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177 media hits, Showing 51 to 100 media
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   New Media!
DVD-R 4.7GB ProdiscF02.. 16x Plays on 1 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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   New Media!
DVD-R 9.4GB RITEKG03.... 2x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
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   New Media!
DVD-R 4.7GB TYG02....... 8x Plays on 1 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 1 comments

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   New Media!
DVD-RW 4.7GB TDK401saku=3 1x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
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Eagle Media

   New Media!
DVD+R 4.7GB AML.....001 4x Plays on 2 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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   New Media!
DVD+R 4.7GB CMC MAG.F01 4x Plays on 2 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
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   New Media!
DVD+R 4.7GB MCC.....004 16x Plays on 1 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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   New Media!
DVD+R 8.5GB RICOHJPND00 2.4x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 1 comments

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   New Media!
DVD+RW 4.7GB MKM.....A02 4x Plays on 2 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AE1 8x Plays on 20 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 18 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB RICOHJPNR00 2.4x Plays on 10 DVD Players
Plays not on 3 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 11 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB INFOME..R20 4x Plays on 7 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 8 comments

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Acro Circle

   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB OPTODISCOR8 8x Plays on 6 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 9 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB SONY04D1.... 4x Plays on 26 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 22 comments

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GQ (Great Quality)

   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB SONY....D21 16x Plays on 5 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 6 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB MBIPG101R05 16x Plays on 4 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 3 comments

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Taiyo Yuden

   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB TYG01....... 4x Plays on 17 DVD Players
Plays not on 5 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 24 comments

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Office Depot

   New comments!
DVD-RW 4.7GB RITEKW04.... 4x Plays on 5 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 4 comments

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GQ (Great Quality)

   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB LD......S03 4x Plays on 5 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
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Verbatim (DataLifePlus)

   New comments!
DVD+RW 4.7GB MKM.....A02 4x Plays on 47 DVD Players
Plays not on 6 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 60 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB DAXON...AZ2 8x Plays on 32 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 39 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB LONGTEN.002 4x Plays on 8 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 5 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB RICOHJPNR03 16x Plays on 15 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 18 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB SONY....D21 16x Plays on 37 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 39 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 8.5GB MKM.....001 2.4x Plays on 7 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 7 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+RW 4.7GB PHILIPS.041 4x Plays on 25 DVD Players
Plays not on 5 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 22 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+RW 4.7GB RICOHJPNW11 4x Plays on 21 DVD Players
Plays not on 7 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 28 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB ProdiscF01.. 8x Plays on 23 DVD Players
Plays not on 3 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 29 comments

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Great Quality (GQ)

   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB OPTODISCR16 16x Plays on 2 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 2 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB MCC 03RG20 16x Plays on 80 DVD Players
Plays not on 15 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 131 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB RITEKG04.... 4x Plays on 94 DVD Players
Plays not on 14 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 96 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+RW 4.7GB RICOHJPNW01 2.4x Plays on 26 DVD Players
Plays not on 11 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 28 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB DAXON...AZ1 4x Plays on 21 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 25 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB CMC MAG.F01 4x Plays on 32 DVD Players
Plays not on 7 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 23 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB PRODISC.R03 8x Plays on 7 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 7 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB YUDEN000T02 8x Plays on 22 DVD Players
Plays not on 8 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 29 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AE1 8x Plays on 8 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 9 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+RW 4.7GB INFODISCA01 2.4x Plays on 31 DVD Players
Plays not on 7 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 28 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB RITEK...R04 16x Plays on 4 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 11 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AE1 8x Plays on 6 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 7 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AM3 16x Plays on 6 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 7 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-RW 4.7GB RITEKW01.... 2x Plays on 20 DVD Players
Plays not on 10 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 18 comments

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Office Max

   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB MBIPG101R04 8x Plays on 3 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 3 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 8.5GB RICOHJPND00 2.4x Plays on 13 DVD Players
Plays not on 5 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 12 comments

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   New Media!
DVD+R 4.7GB IS01....001 4x Plays on 1 DVD Players
Plays not on 0 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is N/A
Read 1 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB CMC MAG.E01 8x Plays on 42 DVD Players
Plays not on 5 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 49 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB CMC MAG. AE1 8x Plays on 16 DVD Players
Plays not on 4 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 16 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB TTH02....... 16x Plays on 25 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 48 comments

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   New comments!
DVD+R 4.7GB RICOHJPNR03 16x Plays on 22 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 23 comments

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   New comments!
DVD-R 4.7GB UTJR001001.. 4x Plays on 6 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Good
Read 5 comments

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177 media hits, Showing 51 to 100 media
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New Media= New Media since your last vist.

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