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Sonic |
4.7GB |
Yi Jhan 001. |
4x |
Plays on 27 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Poor
Read 13 comments (183648 views)
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Complete Media
Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 f7 0e 0b .....@....R.....
77 88 70 00 03 59 69 20 4a 68 61 00 04 6e 20 30 w.p..Yi Jha..n 0
30 31 00 00 05 aa a2 22 22 20 01 00 06 0b 0f 12 01....."" ......
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 87 0e 15 .....@....R.....
98 9a 90 00 03 59 69 20 4a 68 61 00 04 6e 20 30 .....Yi Jha..n 0
30 31 00 00 05 cc c0 00 00 00 01 00 06 0b 10 11 01..............
Media color and text:
Silver Blank UPC/EAN Code:
No info
13 user comments
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Comments posted by Pamela from United States, July 18, 2006:
Probably not the best all around media out there and I probably got a lucky batch from shop4tech seeing from all these comments but these disks work for me. On some disks, I see some skips and freezing when I play them on my dvd player but overall they've been fine. Again, I probably got a lucky batch so don't take this as a recommendation.
Additional information:
Price: $30 Purchased from: Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 2x Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is Sonic. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: I authored using DVD Lab Pro 1.53 and burned with RecordNow MAX 4.50. Works fine on Yamakawa 288K/VGA |
Comments posted by Sandra from United States, December 21, 2004:
Had a few costers, 85% of them played ok on my Philips DVP642. Shop4Tech gip me anyhow they owed me like 50 and never received. Was given a fake tracking number becareful.
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: Date purchased: December 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-510A at 4x using firmware 1.1a. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Mixed. Console reliability is Poor. Media color is White. Media text is Sonic. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: CopyToDVD, Nero Burning Rom, DVDShrink. Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by Silver Surfer from United States, December 18, 2004:
No comments
Additional information:
Comments posted by Buzz from United States, November 22, 2004:
Purchased two spindles 50 paks from Shop4Tech and have had zero problems so far, burned about 35. Plays fine in my Pioneer dvr260 player and ok in my Toshiba player (had a couple skips in the Toshiba)
Toshiba 8x SDR-5272 firmware-1031
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: Shop4Tech Date purchased: October 2004 Burnt with Toshiba SD-R5272 at 4x using firmware 1031. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is White. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: DVD Shrink 3.2, DVD Decrypter Works fine on Pioneer DV-260 |
Comments posted by aero from United States, September 20, 2004:
NEC 2500A with Herrie's 1.07, absolutley terrible results. quite a few cosaster and worse yet almost all disks had serious blocks/freezing at end.
Additional information:
Price: $0.2 Date purchased: July 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 4x using firmware 1.07v4.. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Poor. DVD reliability is Poor. Media color is White. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: nero |
Comments posted by z80 from United States, August 24, 2004:
Sonic DVD-R White Thermal Printable by shop4tech (SONDVDR/TWP/B)
Complete DVD Media Code =
00 00 00 00 01 40 c1 fd 9e d8 52 00 02 87 0e 15 .....@....R.....
98 9a 90 00 03 59 69 20 4a 68 61 00 04 6e 20 30 .....Yi Jha..n 0
30 31 00 00 05 cc c0 00 00 00 01 00 06 0b 10 11 01..............
Media is not reliable at speeds above 2X. Even at 2X, I strongly recommend that you verify this media with Nero and CD Speed's scan function. Often found bad blocks towards the end of the DVD that would prevent recopying from media. Player compatibility was generally good on good 2x burns. You get what you pay for with this media. Also burned well at 2x with Lite-On 811s burner.
Additional information:
Price: $0.4 Purchased from: Date purchased: April 2004 Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.33. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is None. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100. Authoring/Burning comments: DVDShrink and Nero 5.5
Often set compression in DVDShrink so as not to fill up the DVD due to problem with bad blocks at the end of DVD. Works fine on Apex AD-2500 Works fine on Philips DVP642 |
Comments posted by Andy from United States, August 14, 2004:
Never a coaster on NEC 2500A Herrie's 1.07 and everyone played flawlessly on Apex 1200.
Additional information:
Price: $0.2 Purchased from: shop4tech Date purchased: April 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 6x using firmware 1.07v4. Burning reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is White. Media text is none. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero 5.5 Works fine on Apex AD-1200 |
Comments posted by Noki from United States, August 07, 2004:
was finally able to burn media with firmware update. Did not burn with original factory one.
Additional information:
Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Shop4Tech Date purchased: August 2004 Burnt with NEC ND-1300A at 4x using firmware 1.0b. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in Taiwan. Authoring/Burning comments: CopyToDVD 3.0, Nero Works fine on Apex AD-3201 |
Comments posted by Rukh from United States, August 01, 2004:
Burnt 4 Data and 3 Video DVD's so far. No Problems reading or writing. Good quality for the price.
Additional information:
Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2004 Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 4x using firmware 2.1a. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is None. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero, DVDShrink 3.2 Works fine on Apex AD-2600 Works fine on Apex AD-660 |
Comments posted by SunTzu from United States, July 22, 2004:
Purchased these in June 2004. I've burned ~30 disks so far and had two that NERO could not verify the write. I have had no problem reading these disks on my Samsung P-421 player. You get what you pay for, but overall, not a bad disk. I'd buy them again.
Additional information:
Burnt with Lite-On LDW-811S/851S at 4x using firmware HSOQ. Burning reliability is Mixed. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is DVD-R 4X YJ-930212A, YJ04. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Media made in China. Authoring/Burning comments: Nero Works fine on Samsung DVD-P421 |
Comments posted by Jake Tran from United States, July 21, 2004:
This media suck!!! I would stay away from this media. I burned 5 disc and 3 are coastered.
Additional information:
Price: $30 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2004 Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 4x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Media color is White. Media text is blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. |
Comments posted by malhtiek from United States, July 09, 2004:
This media sucks. Very unreliable. Burn errors are very common. Stick with something good for movies like Verbatim Digitalmovie DVD-Rs its worth the extra money.
Additional information:
Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2004 Burnt with Lite-On LDW-411S/451S at 2x Burning reliability is Poor. PC reliability is Mixed. DVD reliability is Mixed. Console reliability is Mixed. Media color is White. Media text is Blank & smooth. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Does not work on Akai DHT-300 Does not work on Philips DVD751 |
Comments posted by Scott from United States, June 26, 2004:
Works greate
Additional information:
Price: $20 Purchased from: www.shop4tech Date purchased: June 2004 Burnt with I/O Magic Internal 8X DVD±RW/±R (IDVDRW8D) at 4x using firmware 110E. Burning reliability is Good. PC reliability is Good. DVD reliability is Good. Media color is Silver. Media text is Blank. Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50. Authoring/Burning comments: Pinnacle Studio 8.12.5, Nero 5.5.10 Works fine on Apex AD-660 Works fine on Panasonic DVD-A320 |
13 user comments,
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