Toshiba SD-R5272 DVD Writer

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Toshiba SD-R5272

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$150 5.6/10
15 votes
Read 18


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DVD Media comments for this DVD Writer (click on the link to read the comments):
1 3A Media 4xDVD+R (POMSC001002) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 BenQ 4xDVD+R (DAXON...AZ1) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 BestMedia Platinum 8xDVD+R (RITEK...R03) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Cicero 4xDVD+R (MEDIA ID001) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Fujifilm 2xDVD-RW (MCC 01RW11n9) comments, 0 good, 1 mixed, 0 poor.
1 GQ (Great Quality) 4xDVD-R (SKC Co.,Ltd.) comments, 0 good, 1 mixed, 0 poor.
2 HP 8xDVD+R (CMC MAG.E01) comments, 0 good, 1 mixed, 1 poor.
1 HP 4xDVD+R (CMC MAG.F01) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 HP 16xDVD+R (CMC MAG.M01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Imation 2.4xDVD+R (CMC MAG.R01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 KHypermedia 4xDVD+R (CMC MAG.F01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 MAXdisc 4xDVD-R (AN32........) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Maxell 4xDVD-R (TYG01.......) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Mediatech MediaStore 8xDVD+R (MCC.....003) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Mediatech MediaStore 4xDVD-R (VDSPMSAB 01.) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Mediatech MediaStore 4xDVD+R (VDSPMSAB001) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 8xDVD+R (CMC MAG.E01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Memorex 4xDVD+R (CMC MAG.F01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Mitsumi 4xDVD-R (AN31........) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Nexxtech 8xDVD-R (CMC MAG. AE1) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Prodisc 8xDVD-R (MCC 02RG20) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Prostore 4xDVD+R (MBIPG101R03) comments, 0 good, 1 mixed, 0 poor.
1 RiData 8xDVD+R (RITEK...R03) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Ritek 4xDVD-R (RITEKG04....) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 SmartBuy 8xDVD+R (PRODISC.R03) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Sonic 4xDVD-R (Yi Jhan 001.) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Spin-X 4xDVD-R (MBI 01RG20) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Spin-X 4xDVD-R (MBI01RG20...) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 TDK 8xDVD+R (CMC MAG.E01) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 TDK 8xDVD+R (TDK.....002) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
2 TDK 8xDVD-R (TTG02.......) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Titanum 8xDVD-R (MCC 02RG20) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Titanum 8xDVD+R (MCC.....003) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Verbatim (DataLifePlus) 4xDVD+RW (MKM.....A02) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
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18 comments, Showing 1 to 18 comments

I have used this writer on DVD+R (4x), and DVD+RW 4x with no problems. However, yesterday, I tried to write to a DVD+R 16x and it does not recognize a blank disk. It keeps trying to erase a non-erasable disk media.
I use Nero (disk copying), and ULEAD products for editing, and creation.
Once I get the new system built, I will be going back to the more reliable BENQ.
If I could tolerate the slower speed, I would be on my LG.

Comments posted by Wayne from United States, May 02, 2006. Rated this writer 6 of 10.

I give this a 2 overall. Purchased 01 September, 2004 from NewEgg (OEM) for $64.

It's *supposed* to be an 8x DVD+/-RW.
It won't burn *any* 8x DVD-R I've tried at 8x.
When burning DVD+R, it produces error-free burns but *completely* unreadable discs - not even in the burner itself.
It is not the media. They all burn fine in a CyberHome DX162D-A.

One of the CD enthusiasts web forums awarded this drive an Editors' Choice and that was my decision for buying this drive. I can't believe this is the same drive.

It's a fine 4x DVD-R and 32x CD-R drive. However, don't expect anything more than that from this drive.

I'm not intending to flame, but I'd like to address the comment below "Never tried to burn at 8X, speed is not that important to me." While that may be true, why then did you buy an 8x drive? Surely, any 4x drive would have sufficed. The point is that you bought an 8x drive, but you can't burn at 8x.

Comments posted by marshall from United States, June 11, 2005. Rated this writer 2 of 10.

Purchased from Aug 2004 for $80 less a $30 rebate.
Wrote 46 disks before it failed half way through disk no 47.
Wrote mainly Arita DVD+R 2.4x and KHypermedia DVD+RW 2.4x (also purchased from without a single coaster.
Now it will not recognize any disk at all.
If it were not for the total failure and the comments from others experiencing the same issues I would have given it a 10 for cost alone.
Back to using my old LG GSA-4040B which has done 349 disks without problems so far.

Comments posted by TAD from Canada, March 24, 2005. Rated this writer 1 of 10.

After at least 15 failed attemps with this writer, I am finally giving up on it. It does not write to both -R(RiData) and +R(HP) media that I bought and my only success was to +RW(TDK). I have updated the firmware for the writer and also upgraded the Nero Suite that comes with it. I tried other softwares but nothing works. Serves me right for rushing into a buy.

Comments posted by Roy from United States, March 21, 2005. Rated this writer 1 of 10.

This writer has burned every single one of my 4X DVD-R discs flawlessly. But I just got a batch of TDK 8X DVD+R's and out of three tries I've gotten three coasters. Tried burning two with TMPGEnc DVD Author's writing tool (puked with an error both times) and the third with Nero (Nero told me disc had burned successfully but none of my players could play it). The same VIDEO_TS folder burned to a DVD-R played fine in all players.

The 5 rating is the average of a 10 for DVD-R and a Zero for DVD+R.

Comments posted by Robert Simandl from United States, January 12, 2005. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

it worked fine for 2 months, never a problem. then, all of a sudden, it started not to recognize cd and dvd of all sorts (blank and original) - so i had to returned it! do not know if it was bad luck or a consistent defect of the product...

Comments posted by app from United States, December 29, 2004. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

Had that writer for 3 months now. Got it at for less than 60 CAN$ after MIR. Never tried to burn at 8X, speed is not that important to me.

This drive installed easily. I can burn ok for ALL minus media (-R, -RW). I haven't tried plus media yet but I received a trial package of a dozen of different brand of DVD and will try =R and +RW soon (thanks to

So far (more than 75 DVD-R), it burned everything at max speed EXCEPT 4X RITEKW04 which I only burn successfully at 2X. I suspect a firmware update may help resolve this. However, and this is where I was the most disappointed by TOSHIBA, the firmware update is only available on the Toshiba-Europe site. There is no mention of it on the US or Canada site. Tech/Customer services in Canada told me that they do not know about an update while Toshiba US never replied to my many emails.

I can't really complain for the price I paid. I am not saying customer support sucks, I am just saying there is a communication problem between their divisions.

Comments posted by Marc Tardif from Canada, October 20, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

I own Two of these Book ends!!!!!!!!
If I wanted to burn at 4X I would have kept my NEC's
The only disk and I mean the only disk that this drive will burn at 8x is verbaitum 8x+R(Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.). At anywhere from .90 to a 1.60 apiece this is ridiculus!!!!!! On my way to Best Buy for a couple of new pioneers.
600 bulk pack of taiyo uden 8x-R FX for movie authoring(some of the best danged media made) at the tidy price of .36 apiece and I buy TOSHIBA BOOKENDS!!! What happened to Toshiba vaunted reputation for excellance with -R media!!!!

Comments posted by Alan from United States, August 27, 2004. Rated this writer 1 of 10.

I have the OEM version by Pacific Digital (resells R5272).
I could burn CDR/DVD's with Memorex and Imation but they were not recognized by my DVD Players. I had sucess with Verbatum CDR's and DVD's everytime. Not sure why. Just a heads up.

Comments posted by ed from United States, August 25, 2004. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

I used HP DVD+R (8X) and Sanyou DVD-R (4x) to burn the DVD disks with w2K, NT4 and Xp system. The records work but recorded DVD disks can not be read by any PC.

I burned a few DVD Disk using TDK DVD-R (4x) disk in both w2k and xp systems, All burned disks work well.

Comments posted by Jeffrey Xie from Canada, August 18, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

I tried on Toshiba SD-R5272 some Ritek G04, burned at 4X...Also MEMOREX DVD-R (Media ID CMC MAG AF1), burned at 4X....
I bought Primeon DVD-R 4X (VDSPMSAB 01), and burned at 4X, but with some problems in writing lead out...With new Firmware 1031, however, no more problems with Primeon!!

Comments posted by Fabrizio from Italy, July 27, 2004. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

I bought this burner recently since I have had good luck with the earlier Toshiba SD-R5002. The SD-R5272 works fine but it will not burn at X8 with all X8 media. I bought some Ritek X4 dvd+rw's and Ritek R03 X8 dvd+r's for it and found the X4 dvd+rw's worked fine but the X8 Ritek's would only burn at X4 even though Dvdinfopro reports it is X8 media. Burning the X8's with three different programs gave the same X4 results.

I went back to the PC magazine article that tested this drive and found they tested with Verbatim X8 dvd's. I ordered some Verbatim X8 dvd+r DataLifePlus disks. These burn at X8 without any problems.

Comments posted by trhouse from United States, May 27, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

This is an update post. I have purchased some cheap unbranded Sonic 4x DVD-R Media (50 pcs. x $25.00) to try with this model. I have burned 2 and both were flawless. Played in my pioneer dvds-260 and a cheap Apex player. The Apex wouldn't play my expensive Memorex 4x DVD+R disk which is a Ricoh disk, go figure.
The "Yuval" post below says this model is picky but so far mine has been flawless. Every DVD burned in it has played flawlessly without any pixelation and with Progressive Scan turned on in the player.

I bought this burner to replace my NEC ND-1100A which made bad burns all the time. Was commmon for me to see pixelation in about 10% of the movies I have burned and could not run them with ProScan on. Also, a good portion of the movies I have burned with the NEC are now unreadable with CRC Errors. I have tried recopys for friends.

I have now had success with 3 different types of media, Ricoh, Ritek, and Sonic. Please do not take this as NEC bashing, the newer model NEC 2500A has improved its burning quality and is a fine choice also.

This Toshiba burner is the best as far as I am concerned.

Comments posted by buzz from United States, May 24, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

Bought mine on two days ago for $99 and have burned 25 DVD-Rs(G04s) already flawlessly at 4x using Nero and/or CopyToDVD. I Burned the 8x DVD+R it came with at 8x with no problems also. I'm waiting to see if 8x Media drops to buy more, other than that I'm just using G04 Riteks.

Comments posted by Memo_182 from United States, May 21, 2004. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

So far this burner has been flawless. I have only burned two types of media (Unbranded-Ritek G04 4x) and (Memorex-Ricoh 4x) and both have burned very well at 4x. I use Nero v6.3.0.0 and cannot get them to burn any faster than max stated speed. All movies burned have played flawless in my Pioneer dvs-260 DVD player. The burn quality seems to be very good. I have ordered some unbranded 4x Sonic disks so that will be the real test, once I have tested the Sonics I will repost. I am waiting for 8x media prices to drop so that review will be another time.

Comments posted by buzz from United States, May 20, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

quiet and reliable drive, no coasters till now.
a bit slower than my liton cdrw on audio ripping
but still o.k and accurate.
satisfied with this drive

Comments posted by kobi from Israel, May 16, 2004. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

I might be a new user with this burner but so far it's doing great. i'm using a Verbatim DVD+R disks and so far burned 2 disks at x4 and one at x8 and all of them are working great.
it looks like a good catch for the price i paied for it

Comments posted by AdamS from Israel, May 11, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

Had 1 drive that burned 3 out of 4 coasters. Had it replaced with a new unit. This one burned 10 out of 20 coasters. I used Fortis X4 DVD-R, but I could only burned them at X2 (All attemts at X4 speed made coasters).
I also burned Verbatim DVD-RW X2 which were 100% good, even after 5-6 quick-erase and re-burn, and 4 bulk (un-named) DVD-R, which 3 burned OK at X2, and one try at X4 was a coaster. Used Nero
It seams that this drive is picky about the media it will burn, and also have prolems in th faster burn speeds.

Comments posted by Yuval from Belgium, May 11, 2004. Rated this writer 3 of 10.

18 comments, Showing 1 to 18 comments

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Original Equipment Manufacturer.


The manufacturer of the main chipset the DVD writer/recorder is based on.

Write support / Read support
= Works
DVD-R = Is not supported
DVD-R? = Not tested

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

DVD Write types
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is written at a constantly increasing speed.
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is written at a constant speed.
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is divided into zones. After each zone the write speed is increased.
PCAV = Partial Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is being written at an increasing speed until a certain speed. After this speed it will not increase anymore.

Desktop = Standalone desktop DVD Recorder
EIDE = Computer DVD Writer with EIDE/IDE connection
SCSI = Computer DVD Writer with SCSI connection
USB = Computer desktop DVD Writer with USB 2.0 or/and 1.1 connection
FireWire = Computer desktop DVD Writer with IEEE 1394/FireWire/i.Link connection (some standalone desktop dvd recorder supports this also but then it is usually to connect your DV camera to the recorder)

The first rating is based on a weighted rank (the true Bayesian), it requires at least 5 votes to get a weighted rating.
The second rating between the ( ) is a normal average rating.

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