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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
Generic/Unbranded DVD-R 4.7GB Yi Jhan 001. 4x Plays on 4 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Mixed
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is Mixed
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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 6A 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0E 15 .j...@....R.....
98 9A 90 00 03 59 69 20 4A 68 61 00 04 6E 20 30 .....Yi Jha..n 0
30 31 00 00 05 CC C0 00 00 00 01 00 06 0B 10 11 01..............

Media color and text:
White PAG-03

No info

11 user comments

Showing 1 to 11 comments
Comments posted by thewizz from Canada, September 15, 2006:
No comments

Additional information:

Burnt with LG GSA-4160B at 2x
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is dvd-r 4x yj-920918a.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6

Comments posted by fallen from United States, March 31, 2005:
Not recommended. Rarely passes verification via nero. Burn speed does not matter. Philips xbox dvd-rom will pickup these discs, but will always have a read error. On my Apex & Toshiba players, movies will freeze and skip a few seconds after a pause. seems to occur every 5 minutes or so.

Additional information:

Price: $0.2 Purchased from: Date purchased: March 2005
Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 4x using firmware Herrie 1.7.
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is none.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Alcohol 120%, Nero, Dvd Decryptor
Works fine on Apex AD-2100
Does not work on Toshiba SD3107

Comments posted by Tom from United States, March 30, 2005:
Always burned slowest at slowest speed, but can't get any single dvd which doesn't pause, skip and so on and so on. these dvd's are good only for data, not for movies, might be avi files could do... but don't fill dvd till the edges. anyway, not worth attention, money. bought some time ago at when all dvd were way expensive.

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: December 2003
Burnt with TDK 840G External at 2x using firmware 1.06.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow.
Media text is blank.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
alcohol 120%, dvd decrypter, cdburnerxp pro.

Comments posted by H Ikram from Canada, February 01, 2005:
Media burns at 4x, but with lots of errors. Pretty crappy. Best results are with 2x, but as others have said, burning more than 4G is not a good idea. The dye close to the edges of the disk seems to be poorly made.

Additional information:

Burnt with BenQ DW1620 (Pro) at 4x using firmware B7T9.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is None.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD Decrypter

Comments posted by Steve from Canada, August 28, 2004:
I agree with the rest of the comments. Very unreliable, even when burning just data files. Wouldn't risk these with more sensitive DVD video. Errors tend to be at the end of the disk, but can appear anywhere. Might work better if burned at 2X, but my software only burns at a little slower than 4X.

Additional information:

Price: $0.3 Purchased from: A Computer Warehouse Date purchased: July 2004
Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-812S at 4x
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is YJ-920918A.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Sonic DLA, Sonic RecordNow.

Comments posted by Frank from Canada, August 08, 2004:
As one other commented, the DVD-r can't not exceed 4G or it will generate CRC error.
And it seems to burn slower at the same speed compare to other Dvd-r.
At 4x, my Philip/Benq dvdr burnt 4.5G just under 15mins, while Yi Jhan takes 25mins

Additional information:

Price: $0.8 Date purchased: August 2004
Burnt with BenQ DW822A at 4x
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is White.
Media text is DVD-R 4X YJ920918B.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Media made in Taiwan.
Media UPC/EAN code is N/A.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6

Comments posted by John from Canada, July 21, 2004:
These discs burn at either 2.4X or 4X however they have errors past the 4.1 gig mark no matter what speed you burn them at. So STAY AWAY unless you plan to burn only upto 4 gigs or don't care if your movie credits skip and pause.

Additional information:

Price: $20 Purchased from: Date purchased: July 2004
Burnt with BenQ DW822A at 4x using firmware b3ic.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is n/a.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 100.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on Apex AD-600

Comments posted by sendkeys from Sweden, June 15, 2004:
crapest media i have seen yet.
doesnt work with anything at any speed with Any frameware tryed about everything.

Additional information:

Price: $0.4 Purchased from: allmediaoutlet Date purchased: April 2004
Burnt with NEC ND-1300A at 4x using firmware 1.08.
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is none.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 50.
Authoring/Burning comments:
used 2x too. burns fine but always full of crc's
newest nero tryed 1.0b 1.074 frameware NOTHING .

plays fine on apex until it hits crc haha
Works fine on Apex AD-1200

Comments posted by Jason James from United Kingdom, April 17, 2004:
Poor quality media. In Pioneer 105 and 107, and LiteOn 451s, burning at 4x works OK but discs have problems reading back past 3.5Gb. On NEC2500A burns are generally OK, but PI error rate is rather high (700 at start, around 150 at the end). Discs are usable though, and seem to have good compatibility with playback devices. With 2x recording they're acceptable on all the writers. Still wouldn't buy any more though.

Additional information:

Burnt with NEC ND-2500A at 4x using firmware 1.06.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Mixed.
Media color is White.
Media text is Blank white top.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6603
Works fine on DreamX-108

Comments posted by Ferdi Philippsen from Germany, March 01, 2004:
Seller menas, that these are Maxell - Medias. Writable with 2x on Plextor 708 a

Additional information:

Price: $1.2 Purchased from: ebuyer Date purchased: February 2005
Burnt with Plextor PX-708A at 4x using firmware 1.04.
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Good.
Media color is Blue.
Media text is DVD-R 4x YJ920819a.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6.0

Comments posted by Gaz from United Kingdom, February 08, 2004:
Horrible, cheapo nasty disks. Bought through Ebuyer but can only burn to about 60%-70% of full capacity. Over that they just throw write errors. Burning speed makes no difference.

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: December 2003
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 4x using firmware 2.0h.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Mixed.
Media color is White.
Media text is PAG-03.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Tried burning at all speeds with Nero, RecordNow Max and DVD Decryptor

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