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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
Bulkpaq DVD-R 4.7GB PRINCO...... 1x Plays on 57 DVD Players
Plays not on 23 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Mixed
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Mixed
Read 47 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 50 00 02 98 0C 13 .B...@....P.....
76 78 80 00 03 50 52 49 4E 43 4F 00 04 00 01 00 VX...PRINCO.....
00 00 00 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 ................

Media color and text:


47 user comments

Showing 1 to 47 comments
Comments posted by coldire from France, May 26, 2004:
No comments

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03 at 1x using firmware 1.9.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 (r2) DVD-R.
Media package type is Cake Box. Number of discs 25.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero, DVD Lab
Works fine on Sony DVP-NS405
Does not work on Pioneer DV-350
Does not work on Sony Playstation 2

Comments posted by Chris from Other, December 17, 2003:
Media is only 1x but burns fine in Pioneer DVR-103/A03, DVR-104/A04, DVR-105/A05 & DVR-106D/A06

Plays films on Wharfedale M5 sweet

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: August 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-106 / DVR-A06 at 1x using firmware 1.07.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 (R2).
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on Wharfedale M5

Comments posted by Chris from Other, October 18, 2003:
Works at 2x with NEC ND-1300A on OEM Firmware v1.06

Additional information:

Burnt with NEC ND-1300A at 2x using firmware 1.06.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Media: General Purpose DVD-R 4.7GB.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVDShrink v3 Beta5
Nero v5.5.10.54
Works fine on Lecson DVD-900

Comments posted by nickctrl from Other, August 17, 2003:
Never any prob with pioneer 104 writer and tokai 205 player.
Burnt more than 50 pieces ... no coasters !

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is bulkpaq.
Authoring/Burning comments:
scenarist nt.
dvd shrink.
nero 5.5 and 6.

Works fine on Tokai 205N
Does not work on Tokai 715

Comments posted by Roli from Other, May 27, 2003:
crap totally crap , i bought a load of these and only one worked , generation 3 and 4 purple and turquoise , burned them at 2x and 1x on my pioneer 105

Additional information:

Price: $2 Purchased from: local media shop Date purchased: May 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 1x using firmware 1.30.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is generation 3.
Authoring/Burning comments:
all , nero , record nowmax , dvd decryptor , dvdx copy xpress
Does not work on Technics SC-DV280

Comments posted by Michael from Other, May 18, 2003:
Shite, complete and uter shite. I burnt 7 films and they all froze towards the end. What a load of bollocks

Additional information:

Date purchased: May 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is DVD-R.

Comments posted by Manuel from Other, May 09, 2003:
Can't burn 2X on my firmware version. I bought 5X 50 packs of these -2 clears and 3 whites (inner ring). Was having a LOT of coasters until I visited these pages. After using up 200 of the 250, I found that - With the clear inner ring ones, it is quite reliable if I use up only 80% of the disc; with the white inner rings, this goes higher, up to around 87-88%. I deduced this as I found that all the lock-ups were happening at the end of the disc. Seems the outer part is not reliable. No more coasters for me since the last 85 discs. I use TMPGenc to encode from AVI-Mpeg2 and it tells me what % it would be on the final burn, I just adjust up or down accordingly. Hope this helps.

Additional information:

Price: $0.6 Purchased from: (UK) Date purchased: March 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.33.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is White Purple.
Media text is Gen3(r2).
Authoring/Burning comments:
TMPGenc / Movie Factory / Nero 5.5.10
Works fine on Marantz DV-4100 OSE
Works fine on Sony DVP-CX850D
Does not work on REC R800
Does not work on Samsung DVD-709

Comments posted by Martin from Other, May 03, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $0.8
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq generation 3(r2).
Authoring/Burning comments:
Ulead DVD Movie factory 2
Works fine on Panasonic SA-HT70
Works fine on Pioneer DV-305
Works fine on Pioneer DV-330
Works fine on Pioneer DV-333
Works fine on Samsung DVD-S224

Comments posted by azmel from Other, April 27, 2003:
As mentioned earler in the post, there are two batches: one with the white inner circle, and the other is with the transparent one. The former is okay: burned using Nero on the A04/104 and playable on standalones even with a label on. The latter is really a gamble: for data only, 100% are okay, but for video 50/50 will turn out bad (massive skipping and lock-up at the end of the disks), and the ratio gets worst once you stick a label on top of it. Out of all the "transparents" with labels attached, only one does work properly on a standalone. All others are coasters. Recommended for DATA only.

Additional information:

Price: $0.6 Purchased from: SVP Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.3.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 (r2) DVD-R.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on Pioneer DCS-303

Comments posted by Demo777 from Other, April 22, 2003:
It don't work burning it at 2x, even with the 2x upgraded firmware. Don't waste your disks and time trying to burn 2x with this burner!

Additional information:

Price: $0.1 Purchased from: Date purchased: April 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.33.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Pink.
Media text is Bulkpaq Gen3 -R 1x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD Decryptor to rip, DVD2One to convert, Nero to burn.
Works fine on LG 4710

Comments posted by flaninacupboard from Other, April 19, 2003:
recently had problems, had to burn the same disc four times to get a working copy. have a complete spindle i don't want, because of the poor reliability. Don't understand the problem as the "bad" discs still play on the computer, just not on stand alone machines.

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Burning reliability is Mixed.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 v2.
Does not work on Sony Playstation 2

Comments posted by King.-Of-DK from Other, April 16, 2003:
CRAP CRAP CRAP,bought 150,have burnt 30,and result is 28 coasters. Never buy this shitty media,and never buy 150 at one time before testing to see if your hardware likes the discs.

Additional information:

Price: $1.5 Purchased from: bigpockets Date purchased: March 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.30.
Burning reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Gen3 (r2).
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero, Ulead MF2,Prassi
Does not work on Pioneer DV-343
Does not work on Pioneer DV-717

Comments posted by Erwego from Other, April 14, 2003:
1st batch was great, 2 batch awful.
1st batch had a white circle between the inner and outer rings, the second had a clear ring.

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from: Date purchased: April 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.31.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Gen 3 r2.
Authoring/Burning comments:

Comments posted by Flaninacupboard from Other, April 08, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $0.9 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq DVD-R 4.7gb Enhanced for Video Data and Console.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Ifoedit, DVDit PE. Nero DVD-Video wizard.
Works fine on Bush 1000
Works fine on Sony DVP-S336

Comments posted by Fred from Other, March 28, 2003:
Not Reliable

Additional information:

Price: $1
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 1x using firmware 2.0c.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Does not work on Kiiro 838d

Comments posted by James Harrap from Other, March 19, 2003:
As mentioned below, the media with the white inner circle is great, plays on set top player and PC, but the clear inner circle discs are intermittent. Most will work in the DVD writer but not the ROM drive or set top players.

Additional information:

Price: $0.9 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.33.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Mixed.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Gen 3 r2.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on Mirror DVD-MIRR110
Works fine on Mustek DVD-V300

Comments posted by dennis from Other, March 15, 2003:
Bought many times from and the media always work well. the store is yahoo top service store, I always trust it.

Additional information:

Price: $0.1 Purchased from: Date purchased: March 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Princo 4.7 GB DVD-R 2.4x.
Works fine on JVC RX-DV5R

Comments posted by najibam from Other, March 15, 2003:
excellent media. works on both dvd players, playstation 2(V3,V4,V7) and xbox. excellent choice with cheap price

Additional information:

Price: $0.6 Purchased from:
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.20.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 v2.
Authoring/Burning comments:
burned with recordmax 4.5
Works fine on Sony DVP-S500D

Comments posted by dave from Other, March 15, 2003:
I have just bought some of this media from nexus22 and the disks they supplied were the ones wit hthe white ring in the middle OK diks but I have bought some from and they had clear centres and they were rubbish the kept locking up and pixelating I think Bulkpaq have changed there manufacturer this new clear disk is lousey

Additional information:

Price: $0.1 Purchased from: Date purchased: March 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x using firmware 1.4.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Mixed.
Console reliability is Mixed.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 5.5.10

Comments posted by Marky Mark from Other, March 14, 2003:
Written at single speed on Pioneer AO3 works fine with Data/Music & Movies.
This Media has given me 99% success, with perfect viewing on movies with No blocking etc.

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: March 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03 at 1x using firmware 1.0.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is H013091047007.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Used Prassi to and from a Global Image
Works fine on Sharp DV-600

Comments posted by Leppings from Other, March 12, 2003:
The worst media i have ever used on my Pioneer A105 (and belive me, ive tried alot!), i had the missfortune to splash out for 50 of these purple bulkpaq media. Out of the 50 i would hazard a guess that 3 or 4 burned with a good end result. The pc images & xbox images i used on these purples was done at x1 speed and the final result with 90% of them was a 'clouding' burned image on the blank????. Needless to say, i didnt/wont buy any more.

Additional information:

Price: $0.8
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 1x using firmware 1.21.
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Bulkpaq.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Prassi PrimoDVD2

Comments posted by Chris from Other, March 09, 2003:
There is a trick when buying these disks as there are two types, Look for the disks that have the WHITE outer center NOT the silver, These are of a highter quality. These burn fine at 2x on my system.

Additional information:

Price: $0.3 Purchased from: Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 2x using firmware 2x4all region free v1.4.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is None.
Media text is Bulkpaq Generation 3 v2.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero and Premo
Works fine on Apex AD-1100WB
Works fine on Pacific DVD-1002

Comments posted by Sean Thompson from Other, March 07, 2003:
Very Cheap

Additional information:

Purchased from: UK
Burnt with Panasonic LF-D311 at 1x using firmware unknown.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Spruce authoring, nero and parassi dvd
Does not work on Sony Playstation 2
Does not work on Yamaha DVD S520

Comments posted by neil from Other, March 03, 2003:
Hi Neil,

The problems you describe is common of users of some brands of media, We are aware of a few brands of media on the UK market that do not fully comply with the DVD forum specifications for a DVD-R disk, these brands include Bulkpaq.

The problem is in the way the media manufacturers have produce the disks and not due to a fault with our drives or the firmware.

For a DVD-R disk to comply with the DVD forum specifications it must have a media manufacturer code and a full Media ID code written to the disk, contained within the media ID code is the calibration information for the disk, the calibration information has always been a part of the specification.

The previous DVD-RW drives only read the start of the media ID code and used that to set the write speed of the media, the drive would actually calibrate its self to the disks, Some manufacturers took advantage of this fact and produced fake DVD-R disks with Media ID codes from anther manufacturer, these disks then were able to be used at 2x in our drives, however the quality of recording of these disks when written at 2x is poor and therefore these disk are not recommended or supported by Pioneer as 2x disks.

With the implementation of 4x DVD-R disks, the drive now needs to read the full media codes including the calibration information, the drive will use this calibration information for writing to the disk, It no longer needs to do a test calibration to the disk, If this information is missing, malformed or fake then the disks may fail to work correctly, this is a fault of the disks.

The only way to know exactly what disks you have is to read the Media ID code, More information about this can be found at:

Title: My drive can not write to my DVD-R or DVD-RW disks.

Pioneer does not blacklist media, this would not be in anyone's interests, however if disks do not conform to the forum standards then Pioneer can not support there use in our drives, they may fail due there missing or misleading codes.

If you are having problems with your disks can you find the disks Media ID codes and email back with them.

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 using firmware 1.21.

Comments posted by wilbur from Other, February 26, 2003:
Out of a pack of 25, I've had a couple of coasters, but for the price - I'm not complaining. Playback has been fine on my Scan SC2500 - no lock-ups at all. Only used for video.

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Smartripper; Spruce-Up, Instant VOB; Pinnacle InstantCopy, IFOedit, DVD2AVI
Works fine on Aiwa XD-DV170
Works fine on Audiovox D1730
Works fine on Scan SC-2500

Comments posted by Jackson from Other, February 22, 2003:
The is really CRAP. Don't buy it. Locks up near end of disc.

Additional information:

Price: $1.2 Purchased from: pc dump Rai Building Amsterdam Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Toshiba SD-R5002 at 1x
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Authoring/Burning comments:
I used DVD Decryper ISO mode to rip and burn.
Does not work on Daytek DVD-707
Does not work on Philips DVD612

Comments posted by from Other, February 18, 2003:
does not work for video unless using an internal drive. ONLY use for backup of files. does not work for console games or dvd backup

Additional information:

Price: $0.8 Purchased from: ebay Date purchased: February 2003

Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Authoring/Burning comments:
smartripper / dvddecrypter
Does not work on Sony Playstation 2

Comments posted by Roope Telaranta from Other, February 07, 2003:
Bought a 25 pack, no luck burning with any software / firmware / OS. ~10 coasters this far.
I'll never buy Bulkpaq DVD's again!

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A using firmware 1.0 c-g.
Authoring/Burning comments:
OS tried: Win 98SE, Win 2000 Pro, Win XP Pro
Soft tried: Nero, DVDDecrypter, Record Now
Firmware: 1.0 c,d,e,f,g

Comments posted by Only-C from Other, January 20, 2003:
I burned a video and it worked perfect.
even tried it on my PS2 and my XBOX

Additional information:

Price: $0.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with Prassi PrimoDVD 2.0 (English)
Works fine on Thomson DTH-220

Comments posted by Steve Dearlove from Other, January 18, 2003:
Only DVD-R I have found to play in my laptop so far. Great pic on everything, no lock ups, fine on one hour+ discs. Good value gonna buy more especially now I have found them cheaper.
ADVDInfo is
08 02 00 00 25 02 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....%

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from: First National Computers Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 5.5
Works fine on Toshiba SD3109

Comments posted by Kevin from Other, January 17, 2003:
very good ratio price/quality
burned over 50 disks and no coasters.
for me, the Manufacturer ID is TDK not Princo.

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
nero 5.5.10
Works fine on A-trend AD-L528
Works fine on Philips DVD634
Works fine on Philips DVD640
Works fine on Pioneer DV-525
Works fine on Pioneer DV-535
Works fine on Sony Playstation 2
Does not work on Microsoft Xbox

Comments posted by [Paco] from Other, January 07, 2003:
Burned 2 in 3 coasters at the it burns all coasters. Not for burning video over 1 gig :-0, waste of my money...get real princos or riteks.

Additional information:

Price: $0.6 Purchased from: From a person on a forum Date purchased: December 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Prassi PrimoDVD v2 w/ latest px engine + Padus DiscJuggler
Works fine on Apex AD-1200

Comments posted by drewes from Other, January 06, 2003:
DO NOT USE FOR VIDEO! None of my 25-spindle worked, seems I just wasted my money (1 euro/disc here in Germany). Sucks.

Additional information:

Price: $1 Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Panasonic DMR-E30
Does not work on Panasonic DMR-E30

Comments posted by Mick from Other, December 17, 2002:
Now on my 2nd batch of 100, had very few failures and has played on all of the cheapest DVD Players tried (numerous) even played on a recent model Bush that refused all else (Princo AND a Datasafe Gen 2) My player is a Naiko had for 1 year and plays anything, even the odd disk the PC refuses to play.

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Panasonic LF-D311 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero, found Prassi too fussy with these discs, it rejected media that Nero burnt, and then worked when played
Works fine on Aiwa XD-DV487
Works fine on Alba DVD113
Works fine on Alba DVD114
Works fine on Bush 2002
Works fine on Bush 2004
Works fine on Elite DVD-203C
Works fine on LG F-DV25
Works fine on Matsui 120
Works fine on Minato DVD-G1
Works fine on Naiko N2051
Works fine on Naiko N2081
Works fine on Samsung DVD-611
Does not work on Akai ADV-8000
Does not work on Hitachi DVS522U
Does not work on JVC XV-523GD

Comments posted by Pedro Correia from Other, December 10, 2002:
are the worst dvd-r i used...
to burn a movie you waste 3 or 4 dvdr, are cheaper but becomes more affordable than good quality discs.
Burned on Pionner 104/A04, even the recorder does not recognize the total volume... start playing and then TIMEOUT ERROR...
doesnt work on MUSTEK V300, V560 and V300 with SAMPO Firmware

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: August 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 5.9.14 (with DVD Compatibility option set to ON)
ifoedit strip streams and dvd9 to dvd5
Does not work on Mustek DVD-V300
Does not work on Mustek DVD-V560
Does not work on Sampo DVE-620
Does not work on Sampo DVE-631CF
Does not work on Sampo DVE-660

Comments posted by Tony from Other, November 29, 2002:
Will not work on panasonic DRM-HS2
Managed to toast a few before giving up

Additional information:

Price: $0.1 Purchased from: Computer show Date purchased: September 2002
at 1x
Does not work on Panasonic DMR-E30

Comments posted by smythe from Other, November 24, 2002:
the site i purchased these disks from do not recommend them for video
me neither the actual films burnt but all were blocky in places (burnt 1x pionner dvr105)
all coasters

Additional information:

Price: $0.1 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 1x
Works fine on Pioneer DV-525

Comments posted by capone from Other, November 21, 2002:
in 25 or 50 packs

first i used gear pro...didnt work (dont ask y)
after that i used stomp recordnow and it worked brilliant

btw i think in gear pro dvd was written in 2x (1x adjusted) instead of 1x

Additional information:

Price: $0.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVDit pe
recordnow max (1x)
Works fine on Pioneer DV-454

Comments posted by DIEHAMMER from Other, November 20, 2002:
Do not buy these discs they dont work on philips dvd players because they jump all the time after one hour of a film will work in any other manufacturer player that i have tried including ALBA, SHARP and SONY

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
NERO 5.5
Works fine on Alba DVD113
Works fine on Sharp DV-740
Works fine on Sony DAV-S300
Does not work on Philips DVD612

Comments posted by martin from Other, November 04, 2002:
hi chaps had good results with this disc(but if you get locking up and freezing i have just discoverde that some of mine had very rough edges ran a blade round the edge and re checked the disc in dvd and ps2 found it played perfect every time just a note for ya bye

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002

Comments posted by DAVID WOOD from Other, November 03, 2002:

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Works fine on Akai DV-P4500
Works fine on Akai DVPS-760
Works fine on Akai DVR-3100SS
Works fine on Alba DVD103
Works fine on Alba DVD108

Comments posted by Richard from Other, October 30, 2002:
Very very weird... burnt about 16 of them for myself. 12 playback perfectly (except for a weird crashing error that the player has.. it's own problem not the media). However 4 of them dont. Playback on A04 is fine. Going to order more to do more "research" into this. Note: Sony DVP-S315 is like 5 years old ;)

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Prassi & Nero
Works fine on Sony DVP-S315

Comments posted by Paul from Other, October 30, 2002:
Bulkpaq DVD-R's mmm...

Don't bother if you have a Sony 120 DVD Writer.
The drive light keeps flashing, I though the drive was knackered at first but it simply hates these cheaper priced media.

Sold in x25 packs for around £10 I paid.

I guess I'll have to try them all out!

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Sony DRU-120A
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero goes mad when using these discs.

A shame really.

Comments posted by Duncan Kerr from Other, October 18, 2002:
I agree with stillee, this media burns ok and and plays back okay on the recorder but it won't play on my old Tosh SD2109 and sticks todays the end of movies on my Acoustic Solutions DVD551, I think if you want unversally reliable media you'll need to shell out a few extra bucks for something like Datasafe which I've never had a problem with.

Additional information:

Price: $0.8 Purchased from: Date purchased: October 2002
Burnt with Panasonic DMR-E30 at 1x
Does not work on Acoustic Solutions DVD551

Comments posted by stillee from Other, October 15, 2002:
100 pack
burned on pioneer a04 played on pioneer DV-K301C and pioneer DV-350. 3 of 4 discs freezes and jumps 60-100 mins into the film. playback works fine on the burner itself.

Additional information:

Price: $0.9 Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
img files burned with primoDVD

Comments posted by tomsie from Other, October 14, 2002:
Media seems to be good. Arrived on 25-disc spindle. Works in all drives I have tried so far (except the oldies). Very good media for the price. Even works with my Samsung DVD-511 which, for those of you who were unfortunate enough to purchase one of these will know, is a very fussy player.

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: August 2002
at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Used CCE/toolame for a/v parts. DVDMaestro for authoring. Nero ("UDF/ISO" mode NOT "DVD Video") for burning.

Works fine on Samsung DVD-511

Comments posted by wayne from Other, September 21, 2002:
good price at 45p, you get a couple of bad disks in a pack of 25, but for 45p each, i am not complaining.

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: September 2002
at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with DVD Maestro, burned with Nero
Works fine on Pioneer DV-515

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