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Ogg Theora
Ogg Vorbis
Open GOP
Overlay, Hardware Overlay, Video Overlay
Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEMs buy computers or hardware in bulk and customize them for a particular application. They then sell the customized computer under their own name.
Now also used to describe a DVD burner or other item
sold at a cheaper price, either without or with less included
software than the more expensive "retail' version.
Ogg Theora
Theora is the video compression codec part of the ogg multimedia project. It is based on On2's VP3 codec, but On2 has released it now under a BSD type liscence and renounced its patents, so it is now free and open source. A final release is due out in early summer 2003.
Ogg Vorbis
Ogg is the name of an open souce multimedia project maintained by the foundation. Vorbis refers to the lossy general purpose audio compression format that surpasses mp3 in quality and rivals new formats such as AAC and TwinVQ (a.k.a. VQF).
OGM, Ogg Media file/stream/container is a video and audio container similiar to avi, matroska.
Open GOP
When encoding MPEG video, a GOP which uses referenced pictures from the previous GOP at the current GOP boundary. For example the GOP is open when B Frames at the start of a GOP rely on I or P frames from the immediately previous GOP. Also see Closed GOP.
According to the official standards, a cd (and a cd-r disc as well) should have a capacity of 650MB or 700MB of data, or an equivalent of 74 minutes or 80 minutes of audio.
As the laser beam in a cd recorder writes on cd-r media, it travels from the center of the disc towards its edge. Before the physical edge of the cd, there is an already set limit to prevent the laser beam writing beyond that, so that the physical edge of the cd's writable surface will never be met.
This means that there exists a security zone at the edge of the cd-r media. If we could write into that security zone, we could gain in capacity, since we would be able to write more data on the cd. This is called overburning.
Overlay, Hardware Overlay, Video Overlay
Hardware overlay, also known as video overlay, is a method of rendering an image to a display screen with a dedicated memory buffer inside computer video hardware, to display a fast-moving video image such as a computer game, a DVD, or the signal from a TV card. Hardware overlay is supported by most video cards (since about 1998) and media players.
The area at the edges of a television tube that is covered to hide possible video distortion. Overscan typically covers about 4 or 5 percent of the picture.