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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Zenith XBV442

8 user region code comments

September 09, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostOther hack posted by Happy7, February 02 2005:

VCD Hack

With no disk in the DVD tray, and the DVD/VCR selector on DVD, press pause and then 1472 and the prom screen will appear. Use the up/down arrow keys on the remote to select the prom number to edit. Change the 45 value to 47 and it will play VCD. I just tried it and it works.

PostRegion code hack posted by happy7, April 22 2005:

Go to and download the zip file for the LG5000 (the one labeled "Combi") and burn the file to a CD. Insert it in the DVD tray and it brings up a blue screen showing your current region setting and asking for input for the region you want. Enter "0" and "Enter". Then eject the CD and play your other region DVD. I tried a region 2 DVD and it worked, where it previously didn't.

PostRegion code hack posted by Macker, June 17 2005:

This will make the Zenith XBV442 Region Free (Region 0), or any other resion you choose. This was a real pain in the ass getting to work, but I finally figured it out.

First of all I tried the file at the link here: It did NOT work. When I popped the CD into the DVD player, it kept asking me, is this a JPG or a MP3. Didn't matter which I chose, it just wouldn't work, period. NOTE: This MAY work for other Zenith players though.

This one does work on a United States purchased Zenith XBV442! Download the file FreeZoneLG6053.exe on this site:


- Extract the contents of the file.
- You will end up with a folder (FreeZoneLG6053) containing the following files: 021022_0801.bin and 021022_0801.cue
- You will use these files to burn an IMAGE to CD. DO NOT just burn these files straight to CD - it will be no use to you. Read on...
- I used Nero (a cd burning program). You can probably use another program too.
- Choose "Burn Image to CD." This is the critical part.
- You will be prompted for "Image" files.
- Navigate to the FreeZoneLG6053 folder.
- Choose the 021022_0801.cue file (that was the only one visible from within Nero.
- Burn the CD
- You're done.


- Real easy
- Pop in the CD
- Choose Region Code (Choose 0 (zero) and it will play all regions)
- Hit "Pause" to Enter the setting you chose.
- You're done!

Now watch DVDs Region Free - the way they should be!

PostRegion code hack posted by Michael Rainey, June 29 2005:

I own a Zenith XBV442. I wanted to make it region free so I went on this website. The first hack I tried that mentions the word "Combi" did NOT WOEK for me at all! I was pissed. Then a new hack came written by Macker. I tried this hack and it did work 100% for me! Now it is region free! I played a region 1 and a region 2 disc without any trouble at all after I used the hack.

So, if you want to make your Zenith XBV442 Region free, follow the EXACT directions that Macker gave out because it does work! Thanks a lot Macker!!!!!

PS: Macker, if you're reading this, I used Nero burning program like you to make th disc, and it worked succesfully.
Just the way you explained.

PostOther hack posted by Michael Rainey, July 12 2005:

VCD Hack

It's me again Michael Raniney. After making the player region free thanks to Macker's posted hack. Out of curiosity I wanted to try the VCD Hack just for the heck of it and to see if it worked. Well, the directions posted by Happy7 were to have the selector on DVD and not have a disc in it and just press "Pause 1472" i pressed this code really fast on my control and a menu did pop up. It was just a list of weird numbers on a blue screen eith the word
EEPROM on the top. There was a number "45" in the selection and I did change it to "47" and pressed pause to take away the menu. The setting stuck and I guess now I can play VCDs. I don't have one at the moment but when I test it I will see if the hack posted by Happy7 worked or not.

PostOther hack posted by JonC, August 30 2005:

VCD hack
The change to 47 didn't work for me, but 46 did!

PostRegion code hack posted by Michael Rainey, October 13 2005:

A long time ago, I used a region code hack posted by Macker to turn my XBV442 region free. After a while, I got an e-mail saying that the link was disconneted and other people could not download the file to a CD. Today I found a link to the same exact web page and it is still enabled. You can download the file from there. Download the file from the new link and follow Macker's directions becuase I'm pretty sure it will work and make your Zenith region free.

PostRegion code hack posted by Birdlover, September 09 2007:

The links above are no longer active but I found a new one that works. Follow the instructions in the site below to burn a CD with the downloaded file. Play in your player and select the region with the remote (0 for region free), hit pause and you're done. Very easy to do and we used a regular CD burner program.

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