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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Sharp DV-740

9 user region code comments

January 29, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Michael J Hoare, March 13 2002:

To set your Sharp DV740 to any region do this:-
write a small text file as follows TSDVDREG-2001-8939912-R0(0 for region 0, or R1 etc. for region you want)write this text file to a CD as CREGIN.TXT and hey presto!!!if you want to change back just use the same but use (R1,R2 etc.)I am told this works.

PostRegion code hack posted by JJ, May 02 2002:

wirte this: TSDVDREG-2001-8939912-R0 ( but write R1 R2 etc. for whatever region)to a notepad file, save as CREGIN.TXT and burn onto cd, insert this disc into your sharp DV-740, it will make a noise as though it is scanning a disc then in the bottom left hand corner will appear the region to which the player is set, to change back from region to region you will have to first turn the dvd player off then insert the disc, this definitely works with regions 1 and 2.

PostRegion code hack posted by clayts, May 09 2002:

In actual fact there are a variety of hacks for the DV740 depending upon where you bought the player (which is, incidentally, made by Sampo).

(A) DV740U (US, Canada) : Multiregion (should bypass RCE too)
Open up Windows Notepad or similar text editor, and type in, or copy and paste
"TSDVDREG-2001-9629735-R0" (without the quotation marks - do not hit the carriage return either !). Save the file as CREGIN.TXT.
Burn to CD-R as ISO9660 Mode 1(do not use DirectCD).
Insert in player.
After 15 seconds or so "R0" should appear in the lower left hand corner of your TV screen.

(B) DV740X (Aus, NZ, Singapore) :

Same procedure, except sequence is

(C) DV740H/DV740S (UK, Europe) :

Same procedure, except sequence is as stated in the previous posting.

This info is from our Sampo website

Hope this helps

PostRegion code hack posted by peter Chou, August 07 2002:

Sharp DV-740T For Taiwan user


PostRegion code hack posted by peter Chou, August 07 2002:

Sharp DV-740 For Taiwan user


PostRegion code hack posted by Francisco Carrizo, March 29 2003:

I tried the CREGIN.TXT file and it worked perfectly on my DVD player, I introduced a Region 4 DVD movie and it worked just fine, but when I tried to record the movie in a VCR I got the Macrovision protection, searching on the internet I found a hack that worked just fine, you have to download a file from either of this shortcuts:

bank30.rom (399 KB)

bank30.rom (395 KB)

Burn this file in a CD-R/CD-RW as you do with the CREGIN.TXT and then voila! your DVD Player is Macrovision free.

All the especifications about using the file are in the pages:

I hope it works for you!

PostRegion code hack posted by NuTTa, October 06 2003:

This is a firmware upgrade that will remove the macrovision and make the DV740X region free,i dont know if it will work on any other 740's as i havnt tried it ..but it does work for the X model.


PostRegion code posted by obewon, October 28 2003:

anymore macro hacks-tryed bank 30-from two different sorces and it wont work on my player

PostRegion code hack posted by rr, January 29 2004:

tried the first two method and nothing happens. Any help????My DVD player is Sharp DV740, no letters after the DV740.

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