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Ronin DVD P807

10 user region code comments

April 03, 2004 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Bismarck, October 02 2003:

1 open cd draw

2 press setup button on the remote control

3 enter 1369888 on the remote control

4 scroll down to the version option in the menu and press enter

5 highlight region code on the menu and change it to region 0

6 press enter on the remote to save the new region

PostRegion code hack posted by Mr X, October 19 2003:

...also see or

PostRegion code hack posted by Metricator, November 25 2003:

To change my DVD P807 to multi region i went to here and followed the instructions for upgrading my firmware.

I tried the remote hack but that wouldn't let me change the region to 0 or any other number (Open tray goto Setup 3rd icon along press 1379).

You will need a pc with CD-R writer and nero.


This DVD player cost me £40 inc vat and in my eyes was a complete bargain.

PostRegion code hack posted by xy, December 08 2003:

Frequently check ... updates are continually posted and questions are usually answered.
Also all info is from a reliable source. Any comments or updates to instructions on their will be greatfully recieved by the site also!

ALSO a new serial number engine is soon to be released on their in the next week or two which will give you exact detailed instructions for your specific DVD player.

Good luck!

PostRegion code hack posted by Andy, January 01 2004:

Follow instructions re:firmware cdr creation as per other posts. Your cdr disk ( volume label in nero ) should be named exactly as per these instructions ie. the bit before the '/' and the file must be named everything after the '/' and must end in '.bin' ignor any square characters after the dot that your player shows.
UPDATE:players manufactured sept/oct/dec 2003---
Latest P807 firmware loading - if player gives "unknown format", load firmware cdr into player and put player into standby ( with remote power button ). Then bring player back out of stanby ( with remote power button ) and file should now be detected. When player ejects cdr DO NOT push draw back 'in', player will do this and reset itself when ready. Wait till player is ready then goto 'setup' menu and move right to 'preference page', on remote enter '1379' and then 'Region Code' is displayed on grey background. Using up/down keys (around 'play' on remote) change region code to '0', press 'setup' to exit and your player is region free....enjoy!

PostRegion code hack posted by kupsjon, February 03 2004:

Kevin when you get the info from your pc be sure to fill it out correctly when burning. Ill put what i did as when i recieved my cd it was labelled wronge as they forgot to change the bin file.

Right when you get the info it will be something like

p8070004/12345678.bin (the bin on my disk was still 807.bin so i got the same message as you.

Right i draged the bin off my cd onto my desktop and relabelled it 12345678.bin

i then opened nero enterprise edition and chose CD-ROM(iso) and made sure iso1 and iso9660 and mode 2 were selected under the iso tab and then pressed new. I then relabeled the cd name in the box from new to p8070004 and draged my relabeled bin file into nero and burnt.

You should then end up with a disk called the first part and a bin called the second part of your dvd player code that will work fine.

Hope this helps.

PostRegion code hack posted by xx, February 14 2004:

If you have issues with multiregion upgrades on your Ronin players feel free to drop us an email at and we will try to help you!

For the most up to date and correct hacks for Ronin players check! :-)

PostRegion code hack posted by Pickle, February 25 2004:

I found FREE firmware & instructions here : -

Worked great!

PostRegion code hack posted by Cabal, February 29 2004:

For all those searching for Bellagio P807 - try this:
(with Remote Control)
Power on the Player
Type in: 9735
A new Menu appears - Switch to the Region you want (0 for Multiregion)
Press Play
Exit with Menu


PostRegion code hack posted by xx, April 03 2004:

New 2004 models remote hacks now available on
All remote hacks as well as support supplied free.

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