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Pioneer DV-120K

1 user region code comments

January 28, 2025 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by , January 28 2025:

Create "" file using instructions by Jack T in Pioneer dv-434 thread.

Any infrared LED transmitter will work instead of building the one in the diagram Shiro shows for Pioneer dv-354. Even easier to use a USB version of IR LED to send the signal. See or for examples. Install the drivers that come with the IR device, or use IRtoy.dll as a driver.

Also visit for the latest version of winlirc.exe

Comments for Pioneer dv-434 (Jack T) and for Pioneer dv-410, and Pioneer 454 (Bernie, Knut) have more details.

Used Winlirc 0.9 with IRtoy.dll, file, and IRdroid USB connected to a laptop running windows 7 to make a region 2 Pioneer dv-120-k region free. Windows 7 Device Manager should detect the IRdroid device and the COM port it is assigned to. Check winlirc's configuration, it should show the same COM port number. If not, change it to match the one Device Manager found.

Turn the Pioneer 120 on, with no disc, and wait for the front display to show "- - - -".

In winlirc set "remote" to "pioneer" and set "code" to "region", then click on "Send Code" to transmit the signal. The player should switch itself off. When turned on again it should play ntsc and pal DVDs from any region.

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