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All reviews for Dynamic Audio Normalizer

1 reviews, Showing 1 to 1 reviews

It's a perfect tool.
I have a question.

ffmpeg -> DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -> qaac pipe

Rwsult : work
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 8 --input-rate 48000 -o out.w64
qaac.exe out.w64 -q 2 -V 100 -o test.m4a

Rwsult : pipe -> Fail (qaac)
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 8 --input-rate 48000 -t wav -o - |
qaac.exe -q 2 -V 100 - -o test.m4a

Rwsult : pipe -> Fail (ffmpeg ac3)
ffmpeg.exe -i -vn -sn -f s24le - | DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i - --input-bits 24 --input-chan 6 --input-rate 48000 -t w64 -o - |
ffmpeg.exe -i - -b:a 448k test.ac3

Review by Kyle6518 on Jun 15, 2019 Version: 2.11 OS: Windows 10 Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

1 reviews, Showing 1 to 1 reviews
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