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Daewoo DVC3000

2 user region code comments

January 03, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by mede, January 02 2005:

Hi peepz...

Ok, it's been a nice journey today ;)...

Finally I have a region free DVC3000... Believe me I was frustrated for buying a region 1 player at Mexico -where region is 4- (and also because of my laziness for not returning it)

If you're in a hurry or just don't mind the details, go to the summary...

Ok, here goes. I know you will find this long and boring (probably), but it may illuminate someone who's having a similar situation.

First of all, nowhere in the whole internet (as far as google knows, at least) is there a direct hack for the DVC-3000. Maybe it isn't even sold too much, but that's the reason why I'm posting.

So, the first thing I did was look in the internet for a player that had a similar menu structure as the one present in my player. In my case, the menu structure was something like:

Disc Audio
Disc Subtitle
Disc Menu
Country Code

So I went to Google and found out, by typing just that, and after checking the manaul that the NAD T512/T531 have exactly the same menu as my player. Looking for the hacks for such players, I found out about one with the pi number (pause, stop, 3,1,4,1,5,9, or something like that) and was supposed to work. Well, It didn't. The secodn method suggested going to TV Aspect option in the menu, and while the Wide Screen option was selected, pressing 1,3,9,7,1,3,9. To my GREAT SURPRISE, something happened!! The website these hacks came from is:

A reset to factory settings display appeared, so it was a sign i was doing something right. I got on a piece of paper what came out of there:

Model: Daewoo (WV700010)
Region No.: 1
Chip ID: MT1379
Main Ver: D202
Sub Ver: 0002
Servo Ver: C173
Micom Ver: V2.5

Of course seeing "Region No." Lighted my eyes... But to my bad luck, I wasn't allowed to change it. My quest went back to google. Feeding it with the model and version numbers didn't work, but a different story it was with the Chip ID, as I found out some other DVD's had it as well. The LG 5000 series actually did as well, and that's when I stumbled across this site:

Also, finding the manual of some LG 5000 series, I found out they had the very same menu as my player and the TAD. Off I went burning this directory RMTM0000 with a subdirectory Scarlet and with a 5 meg file called kpjc19_1.dvd

The file was burned in Mode 1 Iso 8660 multisession. The cd was entered in the player and Ta DA!!! Please insert the new region code. Press pause to return. I changed the region to 0 (multi) and restarted the equipment and whoops.. Didn't work. Of course, this one was meant for an lg 5000 so there's no special reason to expect it would work with a Daewoo DVC 3000.

Back to google I went. I suddenly lost where i got the file from so i typed exactly that on google. To my surprise, another thread came about:

Sony DAV??? WTF?... Well, turns out it has as well the same chipset. I actually didn't confirm with the manual the menu structure.. Maybe a mistake... Could have screwed things up..

The thread, stands that you must change the 5 meg .dvd file for a 4 byte file. DmanBelfast says he had the exact same behaviour (the menu to change te region appearing but not actually changing). So I tried it. I burned the 4 byte file on top of the old 5 meg file on the cd.

The 4 byte file:

But darn! The cd was recogniced as an mp3 file with no files in it. Okay, I think to myself. Maybe I'm pushing the limits here and I need a new CD. I did so, burned the same directory structure (\RMTM0000\Scarlet\kpjc19_1.dvd) replacing only the .dvd file all to a new CD..

And now EVERYTHING WORKED!!! I have a region free DVD Player...

Ok, to summarize things


1. Download:
2. Burn a new cd with nothing on the root but a directory named RMTM0000. Within that a subdirectory named Scarlet. And place the .dvd file you downloaded within Scarlet.
3. You should have nothing else but 2 directories and a 4 byte file in the whole CD.
4. Burn as ISO 8660 Mode 1 (I burned Multisession, I don't think there should be a problem burning without multisession). The CD Label doesn't matter
5. Put CD in the player and follow the on-screen instructions
6. Power off and on the player.

Have a nice day!


PostOther hack posted by mede, January 03 2005:

VCD and SVCD Hacks

This has been just "ported" from other posts from LG 5xxx series dvd players. As You may have noticed from my other post, I've confirmed that that LG and this specific player are too similar.

Ok, the thread from which I got the info is:

I'm just going to copy paste some parts of this (All credits to jayjay):

"NOTE! fiddling with your PROM might render your DVDplayer useless. Read the instructions carefully, and I will not be responsible for any damage you might cause. This hack should apply to all LG (and aiwa) DVDplayers that the VCD hack and SVCD hack works with."

I've done the following exact procedure withouth screwing my dvd unit so I really believe it's safe to apply it on any Daewoo DVC3000 player. Of course, you do all this at your own risk

First of all enter PROM editing mode.

1. Power on the unit
2. While on the welcome screen press: Stop,Pause,1,4,7,2.

While on the screen, take notes of the two lines in case you get to screw things up. My lines were:

55 53 00 45 14 05 20 00
00 00 C0 08 08 14 02 48

It's important to note that all those numbers are hexagesimal.

The numbers you have to change are on the First (Top) Line. You can see that with the arrows of the remote you can change the cursor to the different numbers. There are different ways to explain what you have to do.

As jayjay said it:

VCD Hack:
"you're changing the byte at position 04. BUT, do not change it to FE as told in many guides, cause then you might loose some functionality that you might want. instead, take your original value (in my case it was CC), convert it to a binary value (1100 1100), then change the 2:nd bit from the right to 1, which gives you (1100 1110) CE. now, edit your PROM and set it to CE (program 3, program 5, enter). "

SVCD Hack:
"you edit the byte at position 07. With my player, it was default 00, it probably differs on different players. Now, convert to binary (0000 0000), and edit the 5th byte from the right, and switch it to 1 (0001 0000). Now, this gives you 10, now edit your PROM to 10 (1, 0, enter)."

There are different ways to tell it:
VCD Hack:
Add 2 to the 4th number. In my case, as you can see, the 4th number is 45. If you add two, the resulting number is 47. But remember THIS IS HEXADECIMAL. If the number was 49, the resulting number would NOT BE 51!! It WOULD BE 4B. Please better use the windows calculator for checking this. Select Scientific on the View menu and then select Hex as teh option on the upper left corner. Checkout that 49 + 2 actually adds to 4B!!

Add 16 to the 7th Number. In my case, the 7th number is 20. But again THIS IS HEXADECIMAL, so adding 16 to 20 is NOT 36!!! Adding 16 to 20 results in 30!!!! Again, use the calculator!!

So, my final PROM Line resulted:

55 53 00 47 14 05 30 00

The second line remains the same.

There you go! Now you have a DVD - VCR combo that plays VCD's and SVCD's as well..

Good day...


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