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7 user region code comments

December 12, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by happytime, January 13 2003:

Insert region 2 disk
Upon loading of the disk
hit the number 1 key repeatedly
error message will appear but keep pressing
disc should play

PostRegion code hack posted by Rick, October 14 2003:

Turn on player.
With remote punch in:
7385652500070007 then info.
dvd display will show "locale 7".
dvd will now be multi-region.

same code as some other models, but works for this one too.

PostRegion code posted by tommy w fuller, October 29 2003:

to play movies though the vcr with out screen fading in and out

PostRegion code hack posted by Quiroga, January 31 2004:

I have applied the code listed above to my DVD player, and I tried to play PAL Region 2 DVDs on it. When I put the DVD in the player, it plays but not clearly at all. Have others on this site experienced problems with Region 2 PAL DVDs?

PostRegion code hack posted by Chris Thomas, February 04 2004:

I tried this hack, and nothing happens. When I first start the dvd player, the menu comes up showing, "insert disc", plus the other options, set-up etc. During this menu, I applied the hack, and nothing new is displayed. Am I doing something wrong?

PostRegion code hack posted by spigi, February 07 2004:

I tried the region free hack on my player. It seemed to work. However, I tried a region 2 disk and, while it played, the picture was bad. I suspect because the player wasn't converting the PAL signal to NTSC. I tried all the video options without any luck. Got myself a Panasonic DVD726 and it works great.

PostRegion code hack posted by IK, December 12 2005:

The above hack worked fine. Sort of. It will play PAL but the player doesn't
appear to convert the PAL signal, so the image looks bad. NTSC Region 3
discs will play perfectly. ONE MAJOR PROBLEM: Last night I rented FANTASTIC
FOUR and when I pressed play a message popped up telling me that my
player was the wrong region. Great. Fortunately, using a bit of intuition and
common sense, I figured out how to revert it back to Region 1. It's pretty
simple, really. Since the hack switched the player to "locale 7", replace the last
two 7s in the sequence with 1s, like this:

7385652500010001 then info

Player should display "locale 1"

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