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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Provision PRDVD3100

4 user region code comments

May 05, 2005 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Indigo5150, January 14 2004:

1) Turn on the player.
2) Press EJECT and leave tray open.
3) Type 8806 on remote.
4) Now a secret menu will show.
5) Choose region 9 (1=region 1, 2=region 2, etc. 9=REGIONFREE)
6) Skip to Macrovision and turn it OFF!
7) Enjoy!!

PostRegion code posted by peter, January 15 2004:

i try the hack for the provision 3100 as told her before but it wont work...tell my why or what i did wrong

PostRegion code posted by thomas, February 03 2004:

I've tested this way :
[(1) Turn on the player.
2) Press EJECT and leave tray open.
3) Type 8806 on remote.
4) Now a secret menu will show.
5) Choose region 9 (1=region 1, 2=region 2, etc. 9=REGIONFREE)]
to make it region free. It works well.
BUT .... BUT ....
[6) Skip to Macrovision and turn it OFF!] doesn't work !!!
The indication (ON / OFF) does change BUT it doesn't change anything in pratice, the macrovision is still there !
Is it somemore procedure to do or respect (close, turn off, etc.. ???) to make macrovision off work ???

PostRegion code hack posted by Ken Oldfield, May 05 2005:

When I applied the 8806 code I found my unit already on "9" and the Macrovision at "uit". I had never tried it with code 1 DVDs since I bought it in Belgium and it was marked "region 2". It does in fact work perfectly with region 1 DVDs I brought over from Caanda.

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