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DVD Player Hacks Updated Add
Pioneer DV-575A

14 user region code comments

June 02, 2017 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by ixitixel, September 14 2004:

You need:
PDA w/Palm OS 3.0 or later
OmniRemote Pro V2.02 (

Step By Step Guide:

1. Install OmniRemote

2. Export the current Category (should be TV) to the memo pad

3. Modify the "Button name-0" data with the following code:
0000 0069 0044 0000 0155 00ac 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 0400 0155 00ac 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 001c 001e 003f 001e 003f 001e 0400

4. The best way to do this is to save this text to a text file and use a palm os text editor that can read from an SD card. Copy the text into clipboard and then paste the text in the memo pad. I used TxEdit:

5. Import the database in omniremote

6. Turn on your DVD Player and press 0. DVD Player turns off and is now region free.

The data has been "stolen" from this thread: and works perfectly with my DV-575. 1000 Thanks to Barlok and Zaphod !!!

PostOther hack posted by zfc6e, October 29 2004:

will this works for Pioneer DV578A-S? Thanks

PostRegion code hack posted by CLaNZeR, November 17 2004:

Most of the software and regards this hack seem to point towards the Palm OS.

Using a old IPAQ here with Total Remote Software installed.
You can download the trial from

I looked all over this site for the CCF file and if it is there I could not find it easly LOL!

So if you cannot find it then goto and do a search on files for Pioneer DV-454.
You will find a CCF version of the region hack, this works with 575A after about 10 presses of the 0 button.

Well done guys for the information..

Cheers CLaNZeR

PostRegion code hack posted by kyriacosmetal, November 18 2004:

Check my post on

Works on all new pioneer models

PostRegion code hack posted by LePouSAT, November 22 2004:

Hi !

Here is a region hack that can be applied with a PocketPC with TV Remote Controller, or any universal remote controller that can use CCF files :

1) Start the TV remote Controller on Pocket PC (or the universal remote)
2) Load the CCF file that can be found at
3) Point the PocketPC (or universal remote) to the Pioneer DV-575A (no disc inside and tray closed)
4) Press the button "DVD-575A HACK"

Then, your player should display "-OFF-" and then shut down. Swith it on, insert a Zone 1 DVD and ....


PostRegion code hack posted by mreuss, December 25 2004:

Pioneer DV-575A regionfree hack (it's the same as for the Pio DV-454):
You'll need a PalmOS-based PDA (or a friend who owns one) and the free Trial-version of Omniremote Pro (v 2.14). On your Palm, start Omniremote, go to Advanced, then "export Category".
You'll then find that file (Category TV) under the Memopad-files of your Palm/Clié. Then do a Hotsync and in the Palm Desktop (4.0) you'll find that file again. In that text you'll find a code for each Remote control button. Choose one (e.g. "Enter") and replace the code with the one found under or remotecentralcom (Google: Omniremote 454).
Close and re-Hotsync. Put your Pioneer -on- ("No Disc"), hold your Palm about 10 cm in front of the display and press the button of which you had replaced the code.
If successful (no use pressing 50 times, should work at once or never), the DV-575A shuts off, then reloads. Bingo !
Note: the display will still show RC2 after the hack.
Note2: forget the Nokia/Pocket PC/WINLIRC hacks (tried them all without success)
Good Luck ! (I had it, eventually)

PostRegion code hack posted by eddie69, December 27 2004:

@ LePouSAT

i can´t the file. please upload it again or send me an email.

thx eddie

PostRegion code hack posted by Arianos, January 08 2005:

I confirm that the hack by mreuss, works as promised.
Only comments:
"start Omniremote, go to Advanced, then "export Category". "
should be
"start Omniremote, go to Advanced, databases, then "export Category". "

"Close and re-Hotsync.Put your Pioneer -on- ("No Disc"), hold your Palm about 10 cm in front of the display and press the button of which you had replaced the code."
should be:
"Close and re-Hotsync. Import category...."

The code mentioned, is on the first posting here by ixitixel

I had to borrow my wife's pet Palmtop for 20 minutes, in order to do all these. Mind you, I don't know the first thing about palmtops, as many others probably. So my additions might be helpful to them.
Anyway, thank you both ixitixel and mreuss!!!

PostRegion code hack posted by, January 14 2005:

I used a Pronto device, but it works fine with iPaq too.

Ont the Pronto: use the CCF-file (working-DV-464.ccf), which can be found at
Switch the player on, push 1.
The player will now automaticly switch off.
If you switch it on again, it will be regionfree.

With the iPaq: use (demo version) TVRemote software and load the CCF-file (working-DV-464.ccf), which can be found at
Switch the player on, push 1.
The player will now automaticly switch off.
If you switch it on again, it will be regionfree.

PostRegion code hack posted by Phantom and Valjean, February 20 2005:

Questions<p>1. In case our units have to be sent out for repair, how can we unhack it so Pioneer doesn't notice and we're still covered under warrentee?<p>2. Is it possible to manually switch between regions every time a DVD is loaded from another country?<p>3. Is there any way either region unlocking or manual region switching can be done using the supplied remote?<p>4. Are these procedures really worth spending hundreds of dollars on a Palm Pilot?

PostRegion code hack posted by Hkan, April 09 2005:

make your player regionfree throw upgrading your firmware from or

PostRegion code hack posted by NoWorries, June 12 2005:

FAQ for Pioneer DV-575A you find at: . There you find all you need to know for ow to update your firmware to make your player region free.

PostRegion code hack posted by KyriacosMETAL, November 23 2006:

The following region hack works on all new pioneer dvd players. Many people don't have a PDA or a Palm, so the easiest way to do a region hack follows:

All you need is a motherboard with onboard IRDA. Most motherboards have an onboard irda connector so all you need to buy is a cheap irda motherboard adaptor ( check

Then you have to modify some ini files:

1) Remove folowing strings from netirsir.inf:

%*PNP0510.DevDesc% = PNP, *PNP0510
%*PNP0511.DevDesc% = PNP, *PNP0511

and replace




2) Add to msports.inf to section [Std]:

%*PNP0510.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, *PNP0510, *PNP0511 ; Communications Port
%*PNP0511.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, *PNP0511, *PNP0510 ; Communications Port

to section [Strings]:

*PNP0510.DeviceDesc = "Generic Ir Serial Port"
*PNP0511.DeviceDesc = "Generic Ir Serial Port"



to section [ControlFlags]

When you do this windows will recognise irda port as : Generic Ir Serial Port
If you modified the ini files and windows didn't recognise your irda port as Generic Ir Serial Port then remove the irda port and restart your pc. Windows will now find a new hardware (Generic Ir Serial Port) and install it.

Then type the following in a text file:

# Make your Pioneer DVD Player Region Free Easily
# Region Free remote codes by KyriacosMETAL

begin remote

name pioneer
eps 30
aeps 100
ptrail 0
repeat 0 0
gap 35000

begin RAW_codes
name region
8575 4211 576 1547 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 1547 576 493 576 493
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
8575 4211 576 1547 576 1547
576 1547 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 493
576 493 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 493
576 1547 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 493 576 1547
576 493 576 1547 576 1547
end RAW_codes

end remote

Save this text file under the name pioneer.conf

Then download Winlirc from
Put the following settings in winlirc:
Reciever type: RX
Virtual Pulse: 300
Speed: 115200
Transmitter Settings: Unselect hardware carrier and select TX
Config: Choose the pioneer.conf file

When you do all these, close the settings page. Choose Pioneer remote and then click: "Send Code"

Your pioneer DVD player n now region free. Enjoy!

PostRegion code hack posted by BAB, June 02 2017:

Remove region code

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