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Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
EMTEC DVD+RW 4.7GB SENTINELW02 4x Plays on 0 DVD Players
Plays not on 2 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Poor
DVD Reliability is Poor
PC Reliability is Mixed
Console Reliability is N/A
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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
08 02 00 00 92 0F 04 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3F .............&.?
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 53 45 4E 54 49 4E 45 4C 57 .......SENTINELW
30 32 00 39 23 00 9F 7C 5C 02 28 00 9A 7E 70 02 02.9#..|\.(..~p.
28 00 A0 7B 68 02 28 04 04 20 E0 00 F0 00 00 00 (..{h.(.. ......

Media color and text:
Yellow Green EMTEC Premium DVD+RW 120 min Digital Video Quality 1-4x CERTIFIED

0406241708GOOD 1542850 4x

2 user comments

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Comments posted by Herman from Belgium, August 10, 2005:
Media color is Bright Yellow with green text. Burnt with Daewoo DVD-VR and with Lite-on Pc burner. Movie blocks or won't even start even in the computer. When burning with the Daewoo he gives an error during burning.

Additional information:

Price: $20 Purchased from: Macro
Burnt with Lite-On SOHW-832S at 4x
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow Green.
Media text is Emtec Premium DVD+RW 120 min Digital Video Quality 1-4x certified 4,7 GB.
Media package type is DVD Box. Number of discs 5.
Media UPC/EAN code is 0312130002G2469702 4x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero 6 and DVD-VR with Daewoo DQR-1000D
Does not work on Daewoo DQR-1000D
Does not work on Thomson DTH-195E

Comments posted by Vince from Netherlands, May 06, 2005:
On the box it says 'Made in the E.U.'

When writing the last 100 MB or so (just before the lead-out) of a full length movie (4,3 GB approximately) I always get a 'HARDWARE ERROR, Sense Key...' message. When I fast-forward the movie on the computer (a DVD player can't read it without the lead-out), the last part written appears to be in the middle of the final credits. Erasing the disks several times doesn't change this.

I am able to write smaller movies though (< 3 GB).

Additional information:

Price: $3 Purchased from: MediaMarkt Den Haag Date purchased: April 2005
Burnt with Matsui DVDR100 at 2x using firmware DBN7.
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Media color is Yellow Green.
Media text is EMTEC Premium DVD+RW 120 min Digital Video Quality 1-4x CERTIFIED.
Media package type is DVD Box. Number of discs 5.
Media UPC/EAN code is 0406241708GOOD 1542850 4x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
My writer is not in the list (no Matshita or Matsushita whatsoever). It's a Matshita UJ-825, built-in a Apple iMac G5 (Apple calls this a SuperDrive ;)

No problems with other DVD+RW (or DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD-R, CD-R and CD-RW).

Used Toast 6.0.9 under Mac OS X 10.3.8 and 10.3.9. Also tried Disk Utility.

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