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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for MetaX

Version 2.81
Bug - Every other episode wasn't getting search data
Bug - Allow the window to be partially off the screen
Add -r switch to not add attribution in NFO files
Add ability to import/export preferences
Add file duration to chapdb dialog
Add option for character used to replace invalid file chars
Bug - fix writing IMDB ID to MKV files
Allow resize cover button to work on multiple files
Allow frame grabber to work on multiple files with fixed time offset
Add /k option to not copy chapter info on Copy

Version 2.76
If file dragged onto MetaX, set last directory
Added command line switches FO and FI to import, export tags
Fix bug ignore title in file screwing up stripping parens
Open directory wasn't opening WMV files
Bug on fixed length chapters gave negative last chapter
Handle dash in front of year
fix bug in copy with source=root and add browse button for dir
Allow quicktime player to resize
Allow form fonts to be specified as a preference
Change invalid date from msgbox to status
If write times out, give options to wait/abort/don't wait
Preference to always wait on long write
Fix ChapDB
Add support for ChapterGrabber XML files
Change warning of bad value for HD from Error to Status

Version 2.75
Fix bug canceling out of check type dialog
Support Matroska (MKV) XML chapter files
Parse the episode name out of the filename
Fix bug canceling out of chapter export
Add IMDB tag to MKV files
Fix bug when title doesn't match any search

Version 2.74
If resize fonts, resize the columns
Fix bug with clicking outside entry in write queue during search
Del key removes items from write queue
Deal with clearing the queue in middle of autotagging
Allow continued loading of files after a bad one is encountered
In autotag use an exact match on title if there is one
Reenable clear button after autotag
Fix bug in searching by year
Release file when dragging and dropping cover art
Better error message on invalid regular expression
Catch invalid regex when they try to add it
Don't fill in search box or title if multiple items selected unless all are the same
Fix auto clear queue after writing
Don't clear queue on autotag unless write after autotag
Control + in actors allows adding an actor to all selected entries
Deal with hung network write better
Allow adding folder of files with drag and drop
Fix bug in deleting chapter
Change the name of the Tagging Preference tab to Renaming
Allow just a year to be a valid date

Version 2.73
Control A selects all items in write queue
More changes to allow lots of files to be tagged at once
Add warning if opening more than 1500 files and turn on vm checking
Fix writing after autotag
After autotag finished display first item in queue
make sure selected item in queue is visible in autotag
Allow canceling out of autotag
get rid of display blinking during autoload
fix bug deleting cover art
fix bug renaming file when only the case was different
if you're autotagging and only using 1 source, don't search any others
on dbl click search, don't check unsupported fields
remember last dir when opening dir
post strong warnings when running out of virtual memory
add preference for virtual memory checking
if there's no cover in search result, set display back to default
Add resize cover art by %
Fix bug with saving cover art
handle music videos in NFO files
Fix watch directory
Add Link to MetaX Blog in Help Menu
After opening files, select them all
Add Cover Art Preference tab

Version 2.72
Control A selects all items in write queue
More changes to allow lots of files to be tagged at once
Add warning if opening more than 1500 files and turn on vm checking
Fix writing after autotag
After autotag finished display first item in queue
make sure selected item in queue is visible in autotag
Allow canceling out of autotag
get rid of display blinking during autoload
fix bug deleting cover art
fix bug renaming file when only the case was different
if you're autotagging and only using 1 source, don't search any others
on dbl click search, don't check unsupported fields
remember last dir when opening dir
post strong warnings when running out of virtual memory
add preference for virtual memory checking
if there's no cover in search result, set display back to default

Version 2.71
There is a new feature on the Help Menu, Manage Shortcuts. Selecting this will launch an app that will create a File Explorer shortcut, Open with MetaX. You will need to allow this app to run as admin for it to work. Please let me know if you find any issues with it.

There are major changes to allow tagging larger numbers of files. To enable this, you must enable the /VM switch. Then after an entry is tagged, it is removed from the write queue. I have been able to tag over 300 (untagged) files at once using this. Note, trying to open a large number of tagged (with cover art) files will still run MetaX out of virtual memory, but it will provide a message to that affect and stop trying to open files.

Deal with log on network share that gets dropped
handle corrupt countryratings.dat file
handle log file on network drive that is no longer available at close
handle iTunes TV search in French and German
italy, japan and spain don't have tv shows in iTunes
get rid of # of chaps from chapdb list and get rid of B&N button for chapters
use lowercase on ratings to make it work in Wine
fix bug with invalid date format
make aired over dvd work for episode number in tvdb v2
change failed to add to itunes as a status not error
protect against null values in tvdb v2 getepisodedetails
get rid of spaces in AU rating MA15+
allow blank for string replacment
add pref for force short desc to tv series desc
rationalize linkages
make link season to disk a force and work for all file types
make check all check stars
handle writing kodi attachment in MKV
get rid of Amazon search
if the filename is edited, show it when changing write entries
fix parsing out current year in filename
fix problem renaming file when only the case was changed
update text color in descriptons when length changes
don't have search enabled if nothing is selected in write queue
don't display unsupported fields when switching items in the write queue
add help menu item to manage shortcuts
use ctl +/- to change the font in text boxes
disable alternate covers for movies
fix use itunes cover art
autoscroll the write queue
turn off no confirms after autotag
allow nuke of > 50 files
fix cancel out of directory load
log when autotag doesn't tag due to multiple primaries
if MetaX runs out of memory when opening files, log it
get rid of writing tags status message
warn if watching a dir but copy then delete not set
provide better warning when failure due to running out of memory
enable canceling out of file loading

Version 2.70
Set Creation Date option wasn't being read on startup
Add replacement string option
Fix bug when deleting cover and then trying to write it out
Clear cover art size when deleting
Add option to ignore title in file
Honor use iTunes cover art in autotag
Add option to log registration details
Add option to use episode cover art
Selecting language from main screen faulted
Fix problem with logging into TVDB

Version 2.69
Fix only every other item in queue returning actors
Add option to support Kodi/XBMC naming convention for cover art
When using a regex to get the year, remove the ()
Use stale chapdb as a default option
Add option to not write the artist (for plex display)
Add switch to not write the title
Fix special characters in title for IMDB
Fix movie parsing to not eat the last character
Add item count to queue header
Change setup for updates from exe to msi

Version 2.68
Add option to force showname to artist (for ATV V4)
Filter out tvdb results of series not permitted
fix bug duping genres when multiple items in the queue
fix bug with : in filename when creating xbmc directories
add /e switch to always use My Documents for data files
recognize rate limiting on search websites
Add option to have default size for cover
Add ep title to mkv
Catch error creating rtf in Hebrew
Save preference of none on kind
Don't disable autotag when multiple selected items in write queue
Add /xp switch to handle XP and Win7
Clear short description when search result is blank
Disable cover button if no file open
Handle control keys (like ctl-A) in all textboxes
Add menu item to change language
Implement French language

Version 2.67
Fix getting data from itunes
Handle multiple periods in filename in copy
Add recursive (for source) and shallow (for destination) for copy
Change minimum frame width for HD to 1900
Fix bug with renaming file in write queue
Notify is season and episode for a tv show isn't available

Version 2.66
Better error message if invalid filename passed with /b
Fix bug entering episodeid manually with no episode tagging
Allow deleting of all regex'same
Add series description to presets
Clear poster cache on new search
Check star rating when manually clicked
Add /n switch to only use 1 digit for season
Fix bugs with filename/title/episode tagging

_____________dist 4/16/18 as V2.65____________________
*** New features for parsing data out of the filename ***
Check out new tab in preferences for all parsing data
Allow multiple regex's for parsing
Allow strings which are removed from the filename (like 1080p)
Fix bug with force episode to track
check stars on check all
if duration from file is 0, copy the value from the search
Relogon to TVDB if it times out
Fix US Amazon
Option to strip articles (a, an, the) from the front of the title for sorting
make runtime in wdtv xml 2 decimal digits
fix bug when movie match returns null
handle wmv and formatting title
handle tvdb access failure gracefullly
Amazon searches now work for US Amazon

_____________dist 1/28/18 as V2.64____________________
Remember shutdown options
Support for XML file for WD Smart TV
Keep temp files on same disk to help prevent running out of space
Add Creation Date and last chapter start timeto results of ChapDB search
Support star ratings
Add option to import chapter data file that was created by MetaX

_____________dist 11/01/17 as V2.63____________________
Fix bug not getting cover art

_____________dist 10/29/17 as V2.62____________________
Add option to shutdown MetaX after finished tagging
Add option to select alternate cover images
Improve performance of searching for multiple TV Episodes
Add option to show ellipsis on descriptions

Version 2.60
Added option on help menu for donations
Added feature to filter movie search results by year
Fix bug changing cover art if always use iTunes checked
Add switch to set a floor for how much virtual memory is left while tagging
Add feature to do episode tagging (like title and file tagging) (reorg'ed preference tabs)
Add force title to sort title option
Figure out the HD value from the framewidth (M4V, MP4 only)
Add option to email log files
Fix bugs with not getting all data from every other TV episode
If replay Yes to All Confirmations, don't ask to display error log on exit

Version 2.59
Remove periods in TV Showname
Bug with copying episode number to track
Double click on search wasn't checking cover art checkbox
Parse out information from MKV TV Show filename
Honor noconfirms if you can't open the logfile

Version 2.58
Have nuke tags (ctl alt write) get rid of all tags for all file types
use episode desc for both long and short descriptions
add support for asf file types
Add %0 for debut year for tv series
Add /VM tag to monitor virtual memory usage when tagging a large number of files
Support tags for MediaMonkey
Add %9 in tagging for full data in yyyy-mm-dd format
Add option to copy season number to disc
Add minimize to tray option
add option to copy short/long desc to subtitle (only for MP4's)
Fix force desc to comment
don't allow /B and Auto Search at the same time
add support for TVMaze
add /x flag to not create a chapter is one doesn't exist
add /at flag to point to directory to move autotagged files
release cover art after taggingfix for copy mkv
fix copy to ignore non-video files
support copy to/from all filetypes
if save to directory specified, copy the cover art there as well
support V2 of thetvdb api
bug displaying cyrillic
bug not being able to delete seasonfix bug with multiple selections showing fields

Version 2.57
Fix various problems with iTunes and TV Series
Add NFO file for TV Showname
Add album and episode title to NFO
Add /L switch to set language from the command line
Fix UI bug that hid the Get Data From The MovieDB checkbox
Be more robust if user changes where the My Documents directory is
Handle rating from Ember media player
Fix UI bug if short description was too long
If there isn't a metatag, but there is an Xtra for a field, use it
Add option to not ellipsize actors/cast
Parse TV Info out of filename for MKV files
Make comments adher to short description length
Don't allow chapter paste if chapters checkbox is checked
Change checked icon for fields to a lock to signify that they won't be overwritten
Add support for 7 bit ascii files in AVI's
Fix a couple of bugs in MVK handling
Handle version 2 of Xtra atoms
Fix issue with Plex and chapters
Add option to use generic names when extracting cover art
Add /i option to point to file to use for cover art

Version 2.55 & 2.56
Support DVD Profile XML files
Add option to set Director so that it works with latest iTunes
New toolbar icons
Extend delete all tags to support AVI and WMV files
Honor timestamp options on delete all tags
handle multiple ways iTunes returns info on TV Seasons
Add a Force long to short description preference
Move all linkage options to their own tab in preferences and rename them to reflect what they actually do
Add copy all and clear to statusbox
Handle 2 INFO segments in an AVI file
Clean up several problems tagging MKV files
Set language in chapters so tagged files with work with AppleTV V4
Add force square on editing cover art
Add copy context menu on cover art
fix bug using iTunes for TV Shows

Version 2.54
Tooltips for preferences
Add tagging for Xtra tags (those Windows shows in File Explorer->Preferences)
Copy linked fields on search result select
Option to include the comment field in check all
Add Save cover button
Get Catalog ID from iTunes search
Add Export to Chapters Tab
Fix bug with not highlighting all of descriptions
Don’t require a Kind
Gapless, Complilation, Advisory and Podcast weren’t being written

Version 2.53
Switch to .Net Framework 4.0
Fix problem with screen grabber
Fixed problem with Merging chapters
Fixed problem getting chapter data from B&N
Make Long<->Short description work both ways
Fixed bug with description blank and link set
Get hi-res cover art from iTunes

Version 2.52
Option to not look in iTunes for TV Episode
B&N changed data
Make XBMC option work for movies as well as TV Shows
Add Australia to dropdown for search engine
Remove illegal characters when using XBMC option
Fix bug merging chapters
If the filename matches reg exp for TV Show, set Kind
Add a Reg Exp for movies
Handle X'ing out of Quicktime player
Parse TV info from filename for MKV files

Version 2.50
New Features
Get rid of actors from iTunes
Allow Ctl+A in some textboxes to select all
Don't autotag in deleted directory
Allow setting creation date to movie date
Allow linking TV info to sort name
Have separate watch paths for movies and TV Shows
theMovieDB changed the way they return data, handle it
Bug fixes
MKV files don't support TV tags, so disable

Version 2.49
New Features
add /o switch to run offline
tmdb changed the format of returned data
display start of new chapter when splitting
Bug fixes
fix bug with unknown special character at end of string

Version 2.44 - 2.48
Info on how to invoke MetaX directly from Handbrake, look in the online help under Tasks
New Features
XBMC support
remove restriction on autotag that you had to write
split out tv and movies on where to save files
added option to not update timestamps
have NFO and XML use people separation character from preferences
always use , for separating genres
add link short to long desc
new user interface for custom country ratings
latest version of Apple TV won't play files with no chapters so
warn, and allow to delete
add option for date format
Allow nukeing of tags for MKV files
update help file for custom ratings
speedup startup
Bug fixes
remembering search order
if tagging string didn't start with % is wasn't recognized as valid
split dbpath and logfile directory
set dbpath to application directory so it's not user specific
this fixed problem when users installed as admin but ran as diff user

Version 2.44 - 2.47
Minor release to fix a few bugs
Info on how to invoke MetaX directly from Handbrake, look in the online help under Tasks
New Features
XBMC support
remove restriction on autotag that you had to write
split out tv and movies on where to save files
added option to not update timestamps
have NFO and XML use people separation character from preferences
always use , for separating genres
add link short to long desc
new user interface for custom country ratings
latest version of Apple TV won't play files with no chapters so
warn, and allow to delete
add option for date format
Allow nukeing of tags for MKV files
update help file for custom ratings
speedup startup
Bug fixes
remembering search order
if tagging string didn't start with % is wasn't recognized as valid
split dbpath and logfile directory
set dbpath to application directory so it's not user specific
this fixed problem when users installed as admin but ran as diff user

Version 2.44 & 2.45 & 2.46
Minor release to fix a few bugs
Info on how to invoke MetaX directly from Handbrake, look in the online help under Tasks
New Features
XBMC support
remove restriction on autotag that you had to write
split out tv and movies on where to save files
added option to not update timestamps
have NFO and XML use people separation character from preferences
always use , for separating genres
add link short to long desc
new user interface for custom country ratings
latest version of Apple TV won't play files with no chapters so
warn, and allow to delete
add option for date format
Allow nukeing of tags for MKV files
update help file for custom ratings
Bug fixes
remembering search order
if tagging string didn't start with % is wasn't recognized as valid
split dbpath and logfile directory
set dbpath to application directory so it's not user specific
this fixed problem when users installed as admin but ran as diff user

Version 2.44 & 2.45
New Features
XBMC support
remove restriction on autotag that you had to write
split out tv and movies on where to save files
added option to not update timestamps
have NFO and XML use people separation character from preferences
always use , for separating genres
add link short to long desc
new user interface for custom country ratings
latest version of Apple TV won't play files with no chapters so
warn, and allow to delete
add option for date format
Allow nukeing of tags for MKV files
update help file for custom ratings
Bug fixes
remembering search order
if tagging string didn't start with % is wasn't recognized as valid
split dbpath and logfile directory
set dbpath to application directory so it's not user specific
this fixed problem when users installed as admin but ran as diff user

Version 2.43
New Features
Add billboard feature
Warn on invalid file/title tag fields
Warn if total chapter lengths greater than duration
Remove all references to tagChimp
Completely redo way country/language/Amazon site is handled
Allow user defined country ratings
Add Italy and Spain Amazon sites
Update Help file

Bug fixes
theMovieDB wasn't working for TV Episodes
Check All Before Writing wasn't writing Dir/Prod/SW/Studio

Version 2.42
New Features
Add %8 for rating in title/file tagging
Add option to warn on non-square cover art
Allow multi-select when using fixed length chapters
Allow language to be changed in search box
Add option to use ogg files for chapter info
Add /v and /t switches for default = movie or tv show
Add /b switch to autotag selected files

Bug fixes
Fix bug when saving to recycle bin when open directly
Fix bug where pasting chapter info wasn't refreshing list
Fix bug with non-ascii characters in chapter title
Fix editing cover to use original, not scaled down, image
Fix grabber

Version 2.41
HD was reset by saving preset
Lock down write and search queues during autotag
Double clicking on search result caused no files modified

Version 2.40
New Features
Get hi-res images from iTunes Store
Defer getting cover art until needed
Use theMovieDB for TV Shows as well as movies
Allow season number 0 for search for specials
Number of chapter mismatch status message instead of error
Allow drag and drop and past of chapters for multiple entries
Allow start times of chapters to be edited
Delete all tags by ctl alt then click write

Bug fixes
Fix bug where it always thought there was a new update
Fix problem saving cover art for multiple entries
Fix language issue when no amazon for that country
Apple uses GB instead of UK

Fixed bug when dbl clicking on search entry
Fixed bug where using tvdb messed up season and episode numbers

Added ability to search iTunes store
Fixed bug with some international ratings
Fixed bug with not getting date for TV Shows

Lots of additions and bug fixes:

Fix autotag not setting album and album artist
Use sorttitledisplay instead of sorttitle in xml import
fixed xml/nfo bugs and other country support
don't delete chapters when tagchimp selected and multiple write queue items
make iTunes update work for tv episodes and handle items with same year and ep #
add option to save cover art to jpeg file
clean up tab order
show size of grabbed image
double click chapdb entry takes you to website entry
clear extra space after removing ()
fix bug in chapdb introduced by B&N fix
make B&N list of URLs remember size and have dbl click open the URL
make strip () work on filename/title
fix problem displaying & in descriptions
fix bug when setting single chapter to even lengths
allow chapters to be set to a fixed length
allow renumber of episodes of items in the queue
better error on mkv read only
handle tvdb entries that only have combined season
don't enter search results in disabled fields
fix bug when tvdb entry firstAired is null
fix bug with mkv's with 0 durations
add /s to stop replacing period and underscore in search
use ctl+ to undo replace . and _ space in search

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