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Pioneer DV-354

1 user region code comments

March 14, 2003 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Shiro, March 14 2003:

Worked using WinLirc and Peter's LIRC config file.

Step 1 - WinLirc Transmitter;

DB9 Serial Port( PC COM port )

3 TX o---|>|---------/\\/\\-----|>|-----+
1N4148 1K IR Led |
5 GND o--------------------------------+

Step 2 - Install WinLirc 0.6.3

Step 3 - Follow the instruction posted by Bernie at March 06 2003 for dv-454:

Just copy-paste Peter's lircd.conf file from his Jan9 post above into a new text file in Notepad. Don't include the start and end delimiter lines in the post:

---- lircd.conf starts here ----
---- lircd.conf ends here ----

Only what's in between those lines.

Next thing is to remove all the spaces at the end of each line that resulted from the copy-paste. Save the file as

For the next step, close all programs and run ONLY WinLIRC to make sure your PC has the maximum amount of resources available. WinLIRC can be a bit of a resource hog.

Hook up your IR transmitter to a COM port and launch WinLIRC.exe . It will tell you it has failed to read IR codes or something. This is because it needs input in the form of either:

1. IR codes from an IR receiver circuit (which of course you don't have because you didn't build one... and that fortunately you don't need for this) or...

2. A valid config file.

If the config file is not valid, it will go back to the same initial error messsage until you point it to a valid one.... which is the file you created above.

Next you will need to configure the options in WinLIRC to the proper values:

Port: COMx
(make sure you choose the right one if you're using a desktop. If you're using a laptop it's COM1 because those only have 1 COM port)

Speed: 115200
Receiver type: RX device
Virtual pulse: 300
Transmitter settings: TX
(don't forget, the transmitter must be connected to the TX pin of your COM port. Again, it won't work if you use DTR, this is the MOST important part and ironically, it has NOT been mentioned anywhere here until now: I dug for it so you won't have to)

Click OK and you're back on the main GUI on WinLIRC. In the drop-down boxes, select:

remote: pioneer
code: region
repeats: 0

Make sure the player is plugged in bit turned OFF (you don't need to open the drawer BTW, I dunno where some people got that from anyway). Now point the LED of the transmitter at point blank range towards the DVD player's IR sensor and click the "Send Code" button. The player should turn off and it's now region free.

If you did everything as above, it should work first shot. Unlocked both my DV-656A and my DV-353 this way.

In order to test it, just try and play a disc of a region other than the player's original region. If you don't have any such discs, it makes me wonder why you wanted to do this in the first place... Just kidding ;)

As an alternative, you can author a quick DVD with DVDit (or any other authoring tool) and set the region accordingly before generating the DVD files and burn it to CD-RW to test the player.

Also, people have been wondering about RCE discs. Those also work perfectly on the region hacked player. I tested this with 2 RCE region 1 discs:

- The Patriot
- Something about Mary

Thatīs all folks!

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