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All reviews for DivXLand Media Subtitler

6 reviews, Showing 1 to 6 reviews

I) Creation of Subtitles

The lyrics are generally abundantly available on the web, copy them and paste in text file but the script to be preferably english for regional languages (Telugu does not apperars to got support yet)

Very easy compared to Android apps due to creation interface for both audio as well as Video. it saves 1/4 to 1/2 time and labour on audio , it saves 70% to 90% of time and labour on Video . It saves 95 % over auto generators. This is when compared to best interface android apps like LRC Generator Apk (Audio) , Subtitled Pro case of audio, if lyrics are available on web.

Note: Auto subtitle genertors are very very inaccurated due to backgroung music sound etc.

After sync the process is over

File > Save as >Select Karaoke lyrics LRC (LRC i.e *.lrc) for audio or SubRip (SRT i.e. *.srt) for video or as required if requirement is different> browse to locstion , where it is to be saved> give a name to file saved

IIa) Actions for for getting subtitle during video play:

The Movies & TV app on Windows 10 allows SRT files to be used for adding subtitles to videos. If you’ve added the file correctly, the “CC” Closed Captioning control will be displayed during video playback, allowing you to turn on and off the subtitles.

To add an SRT file:

Copy the SRT file to the same video library folder as the video you’re trying to watch. For example, if your video is in the Videos folder (located inside the Libraries folder), the SRT file must be located there as well.

Make sure that the SRT name matches the name of the video. For example, if your video is titled “MyVideo123.mkv,” your SRT file must be titled “” in order to work.

IIb) Actions for for getting subtitle during video play

open the audio file with Tag editor like Kid 3 windows or Android or Smart Tag editor Android
go to CC paste the LRC file content (LRC can be opened by note)

Now open the audio subtitle capable player e.g. USB Audio player Pro Android or Foobar 2000 after installation of lyrics display component foo_uie_lyrics3-0.5.fb2k-component


Same as IIa but open the audio with Video player like MX Player Pro > Options (3 dots) > Subtitles >open> open the above relavant srt file

Undoing of last action taking to previous point where lyrics and audio or video synced may be saves the balance wastage of time

Review by knreddy on Nov 8, 2022 Version: 2.2.1 OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

It is very easy to create .lrc or .art files with DivXLand Media Subtitler.
Load subtitle text file and audio or video file to DivXLand Media Subtitler
(The lyrics without time sync are generally abundantly available on the web, copy them and paste in to text file but the script is to be preferably english for regional languages.)
Play the audio or video and sync the time by click and holding apply button (start and end timing of that line of song will be identified)
After finish go to upload select suitable options and browse to location where it is to be saved.

creation interface (man machine interface) is very simple for both audio as well as Video when compared to best interface Android apps available as Oct, 2022, like LRC Generator Apk (Audio), Subtitled Pro apk for video.
In case of audio it saves 1/4 to 1/2 of time and labour, it saves 70% to 90% of time and labour in case of video . It saves 95 %, when compared to Auto Generators , as background music interfere with speech recognition engine and cause inaccurate results. In view of this I have reviewed to bring the info to people to save from difficult of selecting righ choice as market is flooded with very poor apps

Review by knreddy on Nov 7, 2022 Version: 2.2.1 OS: Windows 11 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Sadly, although this looks like a great tool, it requires Windows Media Player, which MS hasn't supported in some time. That in itself wouldn't matter so much, since it does come with most versions of Windows 10 (except the "N" versions), but even though the Optional Software section in Settings says it's installed, I cannot find the actual desktop application anywhere. And I'm an expert user, so please trust me when I say it's nowhere to be found on my system.

I contacted Microsoft about this, and they refused to help since it's been unsupported for so long.

Of course, if you do have WMP, this looks wonderful. The only reason I posted this negative review was in the hope that the developer(s) would modify it so that it would support non-Microsoft media players.


Review by EmmB on Oct 27, 2020 Version: 2.20 OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 1/10 Functionality: 1/10 Value for money: 1/10 Overall: 1/10

Main thing I enjoyed about this program is that its quite simple and straightforward to use - even when you're just starting to play around with subtitles. It also doesn't use/need too much CPU resources so the preview didn't lag even though my PC was under very heavy load by another program in the background.

The only complain I have about it is that my version was not bug free. Doing a spell check after 3 days of subtitling a 1.5 Hrs movie caused a drastic loss of data. The program executes MS Word to summon the spell check utility. But when I did that, some words were incorrectly found.

Eg. I had "frighten" in my text, but it found "frighte" and did not suggest "frighten". Ignoring those errors caused it to duplicate some entries, mess up my file and overwrite my file when I didn't request a save. I hope the developer will find and correct the bug.

Review by VideoMan on Aug 30, 2009 Version: 2.06 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 5/10 Value for money: 5/10 Overall: 8/10

I couldn't get my Pioneer or Philips to play srt subtitles even though they played fine on my PC.
DivXLand Subtitler to the rescue! I ran my srt files through it, it automatically made some corrections and now they play!

I think it's a wonderful tool, extremely easy to use and free too! :D

Review by somebodeez on Dec 12, 2007 Version: 2.0.5 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Very nice program.

As I said to the program's author, if that software put similar features like SSA have ( using the mouse for selectiong the beggining and the end of times and some buttons like: Grab Times, Play Selection, Play Next, Play Previous and other similars ), it will become a very interesting option for subtitling.

And if we could select some area in Audio Bar and see it in video screen and vice-versa, AT THE SAME TIME, it will help a lot for timing and avoing bleeding scenes, for example.

Nice tool.

Thanks for your nice work ! Keep improving it!

Review by devilcoelhodog on Jan 8, 2007 Version: 2.0.5 OS: Win2K Ease of use: 9/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 8/10

6 reviews, Showing 1 to 6 reviews
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