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1 media hits, Showing 1 to 1 media
Media Down Type Size Media code Down Speed CompatibilityDown Comments Down
Princo DVD-R 4.7GB TDKG02000000 2x Plays on 31 DVD Players
Plays not on 1 DVD Players
Burn Reliability is Good
DVD Reliability is Good
PC Reliability is Good
Console Reliability is Good
Read 28 comments

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Complete Media Code (DVDInfoPro/DVDIdentifier):
00 6A 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 50 00 02 98 0C 13 .j...@....P.....
76 78 80 00 03 54 44 4B 47 30 32 00 04 30 30 30 vx...TDKG02..000
30 30 30 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 000.............


00 42 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 50 00 02 88 0C 11 .B...@....P.....
76 67 80 00 03 54 44 4B 47 30 32 00 04 30 30 30 vg...TDKG02..000
30 30 30 00 05 88 80 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 000.............

Media color and text:


28 user comments

Showing 1 to 28 comments
Comments posted by azanime from Other, November 04, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $1.4 Purchased from: Pantip Plaza Date purchased: November 2003
Burnt with Asus DVR-104 at 2x using firmware 1.32.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is DVD-R 4.7 GB PRINCO 1X 2X.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero Burning ROM
Works fine on Samsung DVD-S128

Comments posted by wonder from Other, August 30, 2003:
Media works fine on both the writer and the player. Verified with DVDInfo. Used over 20 so far and all media works fine.

Additional information:

Price: $1.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: August 2000
Burnt with LG GSA-4040B at 2x using firmware A104.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is Princo 4.7 GB DVD-R for Data & Video General 1x-2x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Burned with Nero
Works fine on Pioneer NS-DV77

Comments posted by antonio from Other, July 09, 2003:
With new firmware pioneer a-105 1.33+patch all 2x
this media is good!

Additional information:

Price: $1.4 Purchased from: italy (bari) Date purchased: June 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.33.
Burning reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is princo 1x-2x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
nero 5.5.10

Comments posted by darix from Other, June 24, 2003:
with firmware 1.33 very well dvd-r burned at 2X with succesful, i bought 100 pz

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 using firmware 1.33.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is princo 2X.

Comments posted by antijn from Other, May 26, 2003:
These discs with TDK faked id seems to work when burning in 2x. I will check the reliability after a while.

Additional information:

Price: $3 Date purchased: May 2003
Burnt with NEC ND-1300A at 2x using firmware 1.05.
Burning reliability is Good.
Media color is Silver.
Media text is Imation DVD-R General version 2.0.
Authoring/Burning comments:

Comments posted by Jeff Hughes from Other, May 08, 2003:
Bought a 25 pack from and had no problems with any of the disks.

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from: Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.21.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is blank.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero, DVDXCopy
Works fine on Apex AD-1000
Works fine on Panasonic DVD-CP72S

Comments posted by jackson from Other, May 05, 2003:
Burns at 2 speed without any problems. Plays 100% ok in all 3 DVD players I have. No glitches, no stuttering, no skips no freezing. Seems to be a very good media to me.

Additional information:

Price: $1.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: May 2003
Burnt with Toshiba SD-R5002 at 2x using firmware 1031.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is White.
Media text is For Data & Video General 1x - 2x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Burnt with Nero
Works fine on Daytek DVD-707
Works fine on Philips DVD612
Works fine on Philips DVD956

Comments posted by santiago from Other, May 02, 2003:
All seesm to work well, in a number of DVD players and DVD-ROM readers too. All DVD-RW

Additional information:

Price: $0.8 Purchased from: promedia computer supplies Date purchased: May 2003
Burnt with Sony DW-U10A at 1x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Mixed.
Media color is White.
Media text is none.
Authoring/Burning comments:
Nero to burn both data and DVD video
Works fine on Apex AD-1000
Works fine on Apex AD-1600
Works fine on Apex AD-500
Works fine on Apex AD-500w
Works fine on Apex AD-500wm
Works fine on Apex AD-600

Comments posted by Hubert from Other, April 28, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $2 Purchased from: shop in Rome Date purchased: April 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.3.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Media color is White Black.
Media text is princo 2x.
Authoring/Burning comments:
RecordNow Max 4.50
Works fine on Mustek DVD-V520
Works fine on Mustek DVD-V560

Comments posted by sunshine from Other, March 14, 2003:
Works well with my Pioneer A05

Additional information:

Price: $0.7 Purchased from: Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2.4x
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Media color is Purple.
Media text is Princo 4.7GB Bulk White on top with Purple recording surface.
Works fine on Apex AD-1100W

Comments posted by neil from Other, March 03, 2003:
DVR-105 and media.

Discussion Thread
Response (Customer Relations) - 03/03/2003 04:42 PM
Hi i have recently purchesed 3x 105 drives, but have come accross a loose end, using dvdr media i am getting unsupported problems with BULK PAQ... i have learn that one type is ok but the other is not with GEN 3 & 4.

i have been told by bulk paq that the dye now use is by another manufactur, and the problem is down to the FIRMWARE IMPERFECTIONS within the 105.

I also have spoken to a few shops and they too have said this... Yet they all work fine on the 103/104????, this puzzles me..

I have even read and been told that the firmware black lists sertain types of media as such, preventing them writing correct in the new 105????

IF the media is infact of such pore quallity how and why does it write ok in all your other drives?

Is there any truth to the firmware problem?

Can you recomend any types of media that i can buy which will work on the 105 ok?

Will they be any firmware upgrades soon to solve this?

thanks for your time and look forward to hearing from you...



Hi Neil,

The problems you describe is common of users of some brands of media, We are aware of a few brands of media on the UK market that do not fully comply with the DVD forum specifications for a DVD-R disk, these brands include Bulkpaq.

The problem is in the way the media manufacturers have produce the disks and not due to a fault with our drives or the firmware.

For a DVD-R disk to comply with the DVD forum specifications it must have a media manufacturer code and a full Media ID code written to the disk, contained within the media ID code is the calibration information for the disk, the calibration information has always been a part of the specification.

The previous DVD-RW drives only read the start of the media ID code and used that to set the write speed of the media, the drive would actually calibrate its self to the disks, Some manufacturers took advantage of this fact and produced fake DVD-R disks with Media ID codes from anther manufacturer, these disks then were able to be used at 2x in our drives, however the quality of recording of these disks when written at 2x is poor and therefore these disk are not recommended or supported by Pioneer as 2x disks.

With the implementation of 4x DVD-R disks, the drive now needs to read the full media codes including the calibration information, the drive will use this calibration information for writing to the disk, It no longer needs to do a test calibration to the disk, If this information is missing, malformed or fake then the disks may fail to work correctly, this is a fault of the disks.

The only way to know exactly what disks you have is to read the Media ID code, More information about this can be found at:

Title: My drive can not write to my DVD-R or DVD-RW disks.

Pioneer does not blacklist media, this would not be in anyone's interests, however if disks do not conform to the forum standards then Pioneer can not support there use in our drives, they may fail due there missing or misleading codes.

If you are having problems with your disks can you find the disks Media ID codes and email back with them

Additional information:

Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 using firmware 1.31.

Comments posted by elpedro from Other, March 03, 2003:
Errors on end of disk. Windows Xp reported: cyclic redundancy error. Playback errors on standalone players Philips 711, PS2 and NIC DVD-2400.

Additional information:

Price: $1.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with Ulead DVD WS 1.3, burned with Nero

Does not work on Philips DVD711

Comments posted by timmmay from Other, March 02, 2003:
White/Purple surface. Burns at 2x. Sold in increments of 10 for $1.05 per disc.

Additional information:

Purchased from: Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.21.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVDDecrypter, DVD2One, Nero or RecordNow 4.5.
Works fine on Sony Playstation 2

Comments posted by Roadkill from Other, February 20, 2003:
Princo with a "TDK" media code are not made by TDK, nor are they licensed by TDK. They are forgeries. The most likely reason is that Princo wants to pass of these low quality 1x media, untested by Pioneer, as 2x in Pioneer burners.

Additional information:

Comments posted by John from Other, February 11, 2003:
I bought 50 of these discs at AU$130 and so far I have used 35 and all of them have performed flawlessly, I have played the discs on wide range of different brand of players such as Sony, Pioneer, Onkyo, Conia ( cheap chinese brand), Playstation 2 console and two other cheap cheap chinese dvd players. It burns at 2x.

Additional information:

Price: $1.5 Date purchased: February 2003
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x using firmware 1.21.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Console reliability is Good.
Authoring/Burning comments:
RecordNow DX 4.5
Works fine on Onkyo DV-S757
Works fine on Sony DVP-NS305
Works fine on Sony DVP-NS405
Works fine on Sony DVP-S7700
Works fine on Sony Playstation 2

Comments posted by Pedro César from Other, February 01, 2003:
Sold in packs of 10, in promotion last week, now 2.2 € each.
Burns at 2X and plays in Grundig GDV-130, LG ???, Mustek ??? and Marantz ????.

Additional information:

Price: $2 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2003
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 2x using firmware 1.0f.
Burning reliability is Good.
PC reliability is Good.
DVD reliability is Good.
Works fine on Grundig GDV 130

Comments posted by Ranma^ from Other, February 01, 2003:
these are CRAP. Everything I burned on them last year no longer read in my A03, my A05, nor in my apex. None of these discs were ever viewed, burned and tested only, with nero dvd speed, and they all passed at that time. Stupid cheap taiwnaese crap medie. Avoie it at all costs.

Additional information:

Price: $1 Purchased from: ebay Date purchased: January 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03 at 1x
Burning reliability is Poor.
PC reliability is Poor.
DVD reliability is Poor.
Console reliability is Poor.
Authoring/Burning comments:
ripped with smartripper 2.41
used ifoedit to fix vts sectors
used maestro to make the image
and burned with record now max

Comments posted by Lui from Other, January 24, 2003:
In Portugal. at 1,75€.

PS. Portuguese Guys: please write in English, even if if you do mistakes like me...

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 at 2x

Comments posted by federico from Other, January 21, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x
Works fine on Sony DAV-S300

Comments posted by Luis from Other, January 20, 2003:
It's very good and cheap. not recording failure. you can crack dvd pre-recorded and record on it perfectly. my clients love it because a pioneer insumer 2002 it's value 12 Eur. and now 1,6 eur. I'ts better than samsung

Additional information:

Price: $1.8 Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-103 / DVR-A03 at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
DVD decrypter, nero (last update), dazzle dvd complete, my dvd, dvdit pro and nerovision
Works fine on Himage HJ-8800

Comments posted by Jeff Goldberg from Other, January 19, 2003:
sold with pancake box, 25 min order.

Additional information:

Price: $0.9 Purchased from: Date purchased: December 2002
Burnt with Panasonic DMR-HS2 at 1x
Works fine on Panasonic DVD-A330

Comments posted by Fernando Birra from Other, January 18, 2003:
No comments

Additional information:

Price: $1.2 Purchased from: Date purchased: January 2003
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
IfoEdit 0.95
Works fine on Grundig GDV 110d
Works fine on LG 5183
Works fine on Panasonic DVD-A7
Works fine on Philips DVD710
Works fine on Philips DVD711

Comments posted by Hans Dieter from Other, January 02, 2003:
Absolutly no Problems with this Media.

Additional information:

Price: $1.5 Purchased from: Date purchased: November 2002
Burnt with Pioneer DVR-105 / DVR-A05 at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Record Now Max 4.5
Nero 5.9
Works fine on Grundig GDV 130
Works fine on Pioneer DV-545

Comments posted by Ricardo M. from Other, December 28, 2002:
No comments

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002

Authoring/Burning comments:
Oi, procura na Mbit ou entao na NAINFORMATICA que é em Gaia - Sto Ovidio. Abraço

Comments posted by plexman from Other, December 21, 2002:
ois jovem do norte, eu sou de espinho e anda dificil encontrar por aqui dvd-r 2x aos preços que arranjas, se me pudesses dizer o nome da loja onde compras, agradecia.


Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002
Burnt with Asus DVR-104 at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
prassi primo dvd

Comments posted by Ricardo M. from Other, December 20, 2002:
No comments

Additional information:

Date purchased: September 2002

Authoring/Burning comments:
Eu sou do Norte (carago!). Nas lojas aqui, apesar de se venderem em packs de 100, eles vendem a vulso. Eu comprei 10 para experimentar, já utilizei 6 e nao tenho tido problemas...

Comments posted by Dcent from Other, December 17, 2002:
Boas, vi o teu post no, pelo nome (mesmo sem ter lido no fim) percebi que eras "daqui" de Portugal (lol).

Parece que para além de termos o mesmo gravador (dru-500) temos um leitor igual (Mustek 560) mas o que me chamou mais á atenção foi o facto de já teres experimentado os Princo "made by" TDK. Comprei hoje um desses para experimentar, tive alguns problemas com os MMORE que sempre gravaram sem problemas mas que ao fim de uns dias começavam a dar erro a partir de meio dos filmes no Mustek; já tiveste algum problema desse género ??

Já usas os Princo á muito tempo ? Tens tido algum tipo de problema ? Já agora.. onde os compras? Na loja onde comprei este para teste vendem á unidade com caixa a 3 Euros (o mesmo preço dos MMORE) ou em "cake" de 10 a 2.5 Euros cada.

Desculpa esta "intromissão" no teu mail, já tinha colocado esta questão dos erros na leitura no mas tive poucas e inconclusivas respostas, caso tenhas alguma questão ou duvida em que eu possa ajudar está á vontade ... é que ... em Português é mais fácil .

Já agora... caso estivesses interessado e fosses aqui da zona (Almada) podiamos eventualmente fazer algumas trocas de filmes "ripados" ou comprar esses "cakes" a meias.... 100 dvd-r é "muita" dvd !

Um abraço


Additional information:

Price: $2 Date purchased: December 2002
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 1x
Authoring/Burning comments:
Authored with IfoEdit and burned with RecordNow.
Works fine on Mustek DVD-V560

Comments posted by Ricardo M. from Other, December 14, 2002:
This media looks like a original TDK one. Sold only in 100 packs.

Additional information:

Price: $1.6 Purchased from: Portugal Store Date purchased: December 2002
Burnt with Sony DRU-500A at 2x
Authoring/Burning comments:
I used a SONY DRU-500A with firmware 1.0f and it recorded flawlessly. Every disk burned very well with Nero (authored with DVDMaestro) and played very well. And here in Portugal they are the cheapest media around! Like it a lot!!!
Works fine on Mustek DVD-V560
Works fine on Nintaus n9901

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1 media hits, Showing 1 to 1 media

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