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Toshiba SD1600

5 user region code comments

June 28, 2007 Post region code/hack comment
PostRegion code hack posted by Ken, April 16 2002:

The 1600 shares some hacks with other Toshibas.

See firmware info - Turn player on with remote. Press Zoom, 6, 0, 6, Zoom. It displays info. This is a hated player because of it's lack of playing VCDs, but the firmware says "VCD off" suggesting it's disabled.

PostRegion code hack posted by Cyclograph, March 17 2003:

Installed an upgrade by JVB Digital for this unit (the only company making a chip for this model AFAIK). Functions perfectly, but was a lot of work to install. Involved replacing the ROM, a TSOP48, and installing a PIC. Not work for amateurs!
They also have a simpler hack for which only the PIC is installed (four solder points of low difficulty) which enables auto-region free (but not macrovision disable or manual region selection).
There is no UOP disable option for this unit, nor an ability to enable VCD support. :(

PostRegion code hack posted by jmacques, February 10 2004:

I have a 1600C and do the zoom 6 - 0 - 6 and zoom and I see is:
ROM1 Version V2.000 R1
ROM12Version V2.000
OSD Eng/Fren/Spa
VCD Off Buzzer On
A3D On Random On
VOCAL Setup Dimmer 2typ
V3D Off V-FMT Ntsc
JOG Off Mpeg-A On

And what I do after...for regionfree to PAL

Serial Number OXPL126481 and it's a SD-1600C

Thank you

PostRegion code hack posted by iaguilera, August 17 2004:



Put DVD into player - wait for regional code violation screen to appear

Once this has occurred press the M (Memory) button on your remote

Press 1 for Title 1 and Play on the remote - this will over-ride the regional code violation detection menu

You can watch the movie by pressing Fwd on remote and change chapters by using the T (Title/Chapter) button on the remote)

PostRegion code hack posted by Mark, June 28 2007:

I know its 2007 but I tried a couple of the hacks suggested here for the Toshiba SD1600 today to make it multi region and none of them worked. Just to let you all know.

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