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Complete Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What's New for OGG Vorbis ACM Codec

2002/01/30 Ver
Bitrate manage of libVorbis avoided being used.
It was using it with

2002/01/30 Ver
Improvement of the compatibility with some data.
Private beta.

2002/01/30 Ver
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application. (modification of a result value of acmStreamSize())
Compatible confirmation work with PlaySound() at Win32(XP/ME).
Document for English-speaking user (readme-eng.txt) was included to a distribution archive. (yet more add it writing)
Other any small modification.

2002/01/19 Ver
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application. (modification of a result value of acmStreamSize())
Modification of that the possibly clip noise, that depends to following errors, overflow and inverse sign.
Added more bit rates selection. (quality parameter of libVorbis 0.0 to 1.0 even it per 0.1 units)
Modification of the bit rate of 11KHz, 22KHz.
Other many small modification.

2002/01/11 Ver
Base library was changed to 1.0-rc3 (libVorbis I 20011231)
Rewrote a source code substantially. (Therefore possibly bugs was embeded...)
Header size of mode2 was improved. (WMP 7,8 almost became possible playback. I think so, probably...)
Distribution archive was changed to a ZIP format. (convenience to the user other than a Japanese)
Source code was included to a distribution archive.

2001/09/13 Ver
Base library was changed to latest.
Sample rate 48KHz was Added.
Quietly renewal...

2001/06/22 Ver
Base library was changed to latest.
Provisionally open version...

2001/02/27 Ver
Base library was changed to 1.0-beta4 (libVorbis I 20010225)
Vorbis.acm license was modified to free software.
Because by the fact that the license of base library was modified.
Beta test version for ourselves...

2001/01/22 Ver
Base library was changed to latest.
WAVEFORMATEX::cbSize of mode2 was larger than a previous version along with the changed of libvorbis.
Speed improved substantially along with the changed of libvorbis.
Document for developper (developer.txt) was included to a distribution archive.

2000/12/14 Ver
Base library was changed to latest.
Version information the modification of that that was not correct at

2000/12/13 Ver
Base library was changed to latest.
Handling of 11KHz, 22KHz were modified. (attention! I discarded the compatibility with an old version)

2000/12/12 Ver
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application. (insert method of padding for Pseudo CBR.)
Modification for, bugs was embeded to mode3, mode3+ at

2000/12/03 Ver
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application. (insert method of padding for Pseudo CBR.)
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application. (size calculation at the acmStreamSize())
Speed improved with a side effect (?) when source code was tidied.

2000/11/28 Ver
Modification of the problem that time-consumes to the enumeration of a format.
(dumped format details was linked to module)

2000/11/27 Ver
Debugged attentively on W9x environment. (I actually do it for the first time...)
Confirm playback normality virtual audio CD, with a W9x version of "CD Kakumei Virtual".
(Kakumei is Japanese word, it is meaning revolution)
Improvement of the compatibility with part of application.
(Modification of a memory manage and result value of acmStreamSize())

2000/11/25 Ver
Modification of the memory manage of driver instance.
Because, depends on the following reason.
Operating system does possibly crash end of process.
It is prominent with SoundForge4.5 etc on W9x.

2000/11/24 Ver
Modification for, insert location of padding for Pseudo CBR.
Modification for, Problem actuated with SoundRecoder on W9x.
Sample rate 11KHz was removed at temporary.

2000/11/23 Ver
Added Pseudo CBR mode (mode1+,mode2+,mode3+)
Time when hangs to format enumeration increased, because new mode added.
(It is prominent with SoundForge4.5 etc.)

2000/11/22 Ver
Modification for, Fatal problem actuated with Sound Forge 4.5
(Modified method of the size calculation at the acmStreamSize())

2000/11/21 Ver
Modification to mode1 of the name of Original stream compatible
Modification to mode2 of the name of Have independent header
Modification to mode3 of the name of Have no codebook header
To solve the compatibility regarding the size of WAVEFORMATEX modification of header specification.
(Therefore the data and compatibility that prepared it with an old version were lost.)
Modification from closed beta to public beta.
Reference translation (lesserj.txt) of LGPL was added to archive.

2000/11/19 Ver
Modification for, encoding problem at Have independent header
Modification for, code book selecting at 22050Hz,11025Hz

2000/11/18 Ver
Added Have independent header
Added Have no codebook header
Beta test version for ourselves

2000/11/12 Ver
Support only Original stream compatible
Closed development version

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