Memorex 16x DVD+/-DLRWL1 F16 Internal DVD Writer

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Memorex 16x DVD+/-DLRWL1 F16 Internal

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$100 7.4/10
12 votes
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DVD Media comments for this DVD Writer (click on the link to read the comments):
1 CompUSA 4xDVD+R (INFOME..R20) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Fujifilm 16xDVD+R (PRODISC.R05) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Fujifilm 16xDVD-R (RITEKF1.....) comments, 0 good, 1 mixed, 0 poor.
1 HP 8xDVD+R (CMC MAG.E01) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Imation 8xDVD-R (CMC MAG. AE1) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 2.4xDVD+R (RITEK...D01) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Memorex 16xDVD-R (RITEKF1.....) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Memorex 2xDVD-RW (TDK502sakuM3) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Playo 16xDVD-R (MCC 03RG20) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Sony 8xDVD-R (SONY08D1....) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
1 Staples 16xDVD-R (CMC MAG. AM3) comments, 0 good, 0 mixed, 1 poor.
1 Verbatim (DataLifePlus) 8xDVD-R (MCC 02RG20) comments, 1 good, 0 mixed, 0 poor.
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16 comments, Showing 1 to 16 comments

I always buy ink jet printable DVD+X (by habit) online. Ridata's too and have NOT had a problem. The one time I try DVD-R Verbatims ink-jet printables the burner didn't recognize the media. And, of course, I'm stuck with a spool of them- but they DO burn on my gf's burner (TSST corp DVD+-RW TS-H653B

Comments posted by nxtkitt from United States, April 19, 2009. Rated this writer 7 of 10.

I have over a thousand burns both plus and minus on this burner with no problems on plus media up to 16x as long as i burn at 8x. the first trouble with minus media started when i tried to use 16x minus, the burner will not recognize it. I also tried 1 to 16x and it still didn't recognize it. it works fine as long as i use 8x minus. if memorex dosn't update the firmware later than bwse, lets hope they keep making 8x minus media. i use dvd shrink, dvd decrypter, fab decrypter and nero,I would recomend this burner to anyone.

Comments posted by dusteris57 from United States, March 09, 2006. Rated this writer No rating.

I like this writer but it would not work with memorex 16x dvd-r,all other media works great.

Comments posted by j.j. from United States, February 17, 2006. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

I burn more than 200 DVDs with Memorex but now it have problems reading DVD-9:(. I have updated FW but still with no success. I think to sell it.

Comments posted by Sergio from United States, January 20, 2006. Rated this writer 7 of 10.

Not sure if this one is related to this model but
just got hold of one internal model from Office Depot this weekend. It says 16x16 (part number: Part Number: 32023292),
it has DL-R and DL+R capability. Selling at $59.95 plus $20m mail in rebate.

After installation, in XP, device manager says
Memorex 16X-DDL-ILO

Wondering if anybody knows what chipset it uses?

Comments posted by D9 Fan from United States, January 17, 2006. Rated this writer No rating.

i got a month with this drive. i burn like 150 dvd's and every disc work perfectly. i use momorex dvd-r 8x and hp dvd+r 8x every time i burn at 4x.
i also test my dvds in my davd player panasonic its a old one i bougth it in 1999 and i dont got problems.
also test in koss,sony, apex, deawoo

Comments posted by jesus from Puerto Rico, March 05, 2005. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

I burned about 50 successful DVD's (Verbatim 8x DVD+r). The next batch of 100 Verbatim discs (looked identical to the last batch) have problems. After the recording process is completed (did 10 the same way as the last 50 using CopytoDVD v3.0.45) none of the discs will play in my laptop as they did with the prior 50. They are, however, recognized by my DVD recorders.

I went back to my newly repaired Sony DRU-530a (the lost one nver worked right before I sent it in for repair) using the same media and they play flawlessly. I guess Verbatim changed the formulation on the 8x discs & the Memorex hasn't updated the firmware.

Memorex has only updated the firmware once (8/30/04)to my knowledge since it's roll-out. We're now almost in March of 2005, 6 months after this last update.

I would not recommend this drive since I am very disappointed about it's irratic results.

Comments posted by Johnny Moses from United States, February 27, 2005. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

Compatability - So far I have burned...

Sony (SONY08D1) -R 8x
Memorex +R 16x
Memorex -R 8X
Sonic DVD-R 4.7GB 1X-4X (AN31)

All of these have worked flawlessly.

The downside was that it was the 2nd Memorex Drive that works flawlessly. I had to return the 1st one! The first one didn't do anything right other than play existing DVD's.

I wanted to post a higher mark, but I actually should post a lower rating based on my first experience. Once I got a decent one, it has worked very good.

Comments posted by Red Dawg from United States, February 07, 2005. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

I've had my drive for a month now and have had no problems at all. Win XP os, nero 6, p4, Asus mb. I've made no coasters (yet)and am liking this drive almost as much as my old Plextor that died 3 months ago. I've only tried Memorex dvd+r media but my Maxell cd-rw and generic cd-r media work just fine as well.

Comments posted by max from United States, February 05, 2005. Rated this writer 7 of 10.

Burner worked great the first 50 copies I made, all with the same media types(Kypermedia and Memorex). I tried to switch to Maxell 8x DVD +R. I made 3 copies and all were unplayable. None of my three DVD players recognized the discs. I then tried Philips brand DVD's. I made 4 copies of these. All had the same results. None were playable by any DVD player. They all went through the read and write process "succesfully" on my computer, but were useless when played. This burner is a huge disappointment and is even more useless than the cheap one I replaced it with. It seems I am limited to only 2 types of media. I am afraid to try others as I don't want to waste an entire package. I would not recomment this burner to anyone.

Comments posted by Andrew from United States, January 07, 2005. Rated this writer No rating.

bought at Bestbuy for $109 (open box)--I installed w/little problems, and everything worked until I installed Nero that came w/drive. After getting 'BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH' problems, I
uninstalled. Seemed to work fine after that. Not sure about this one, since Nero is the reason for purchasing this thing in the first place--now I have to figure out what's wrong.

Comments posted by ChiTownJ from United States, January 06, 2005. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

I bought this burner with the $20 rebate. I have burned everything that I wanted to. DVD-/- R/RW's, CD-R/RW's. Great purchase. Came with great software. Would and have recomended to everyone.

Comments posted by apromskpr from United States, January 01, 2005. Rated this writer 8 of 10.

After intensive research, i decided to buy this drive based upon it being a top ten dvd burner listed in pc world. I got it from best buy for $119.99 with $20 rebate. Took it home, installed it and burned a bunch of coasters.
None of my generic dvd-r's burned correctly. I tried various speeds, 2x 2.4x 8x, nothing. It was only after i used my good branded stuff that anything was possible. Also, there was alot of excessive noise. It was like my tower was gonna helicopter out of my office.
I took it back and got a plextor 716a. I had no problems with it. burned everything and no coasters yet. and even better, it's really quiet...

Comments posted by antabaka from United States, December 26, 2004. Rated this writer 5 of 10.

A FWIW report: I have had this drive for about a week and had been very pleased. This morning Nero 6 failed to complete a CD burn. Now this drive fails to recognize ANY CD -- blank or burned or commercially pressed.

Tried flashing firmware. Succeeded but no joy with CDs. It is going back for exchange.

Comments posted by Paula Something from United States, December 12, 2004. Rated this writer No rating.

This drive is great. Installed with no problems and was very happy to see the increase in 16X speed. The price was good considering you get Nero 6 with it. Highly reccomend it.

Comments posted by Pat from United States, December 01, 2004. Rated this writer 10 of 10.

advantages: Nero Suite Software included, dual format

disadvantages: lack of printed manual for software

This is a nice drive. I just plugged it in and went. The Nero suite is nice. There is no printed manual for the software but it's not that hard to figure out. Just play with a test piece of video to get a feel for things.

Comments posted by Casey from United States, August 25, 2004. Rated this writer 9 of 10.

16 comments, Showing 1 to 16 comments

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Original Equipment Manufacturer.


The manufacturer of the main chipset the DVD writer/recorder is based on.

Write support / Read support
= Works
DVD-R = Is not supported
DVD-R? = Not tested

Single Layer(4.7GB) write speeds
1x (CLV) = about 58 minutes
2x (CLV) = about 29 minutes
2.4x (CLV) = about 24 minutes
4x (CLV) = about 14.5 minutes
6x (CLV/ZCLV) = about 10-12 minutes
8x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 8-10 minutes
12x (PCAV/ZCLV) = about 6.5-7.5 minutes
16x (CAV/ZCLV) = about 6-7 minutes

Dual/Double Layer(8.5GB) write speeds
1x CLV = about 105 minutes
2.4x CLV = about 44 minutes
4x CLV = about 27 minutes

Single Layer (4.7GB) read speeds
1x read speed is 1.321MB/s = ~56 minutes
6x CAV (avg. ~4x) read speed is max 7.93MB/s = ~14 minutes
8x CAV (avg. ~6x) read speed is max 10.57MB/s = ~10 minutes
12x CAV (avg. ~8x) read speed is max 15.85MB/s = ~7 minutes
16x CAV (avg. ~12x) read speed is max 21.13MB/s = ~5 minutes

DVD Write types
CAV = Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is written at a constantly increasing speed.
CLV = Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is written at a constant speed.
ZCLV = Zone Constant Linear Velocity, the DVD is divided into zones. After each zone the write speed is increased.
PCAV = Partial Constant Angular Velocity, the DVD is being written at an increasing speed until a certain speed. After this speed it will not increase anymore.

Desktop = Standalone desktop DVD Recorder
EIDE = Computer DVD Writer with EIDE/IDE connection
SCSI = Computer DVD Writer with SCSI connection
USB = Computer desktop DVD Writer with USB 2.0 or/and 1.1 connection
FireWire = Computer desktop DVD Writer with IEEE 1394/FireWire/i.Link connection (some standalone desktop dvd recorder supports this also but then it is usually to connect your DV camera to the recorder)

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The second rating between the ( ) is a normal average rating.

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