How to make an autoplay,autorun VCD,SVCD,DivX,AVI CD?

This methods only works with Windows 9x and Windows 2000/XP systems because it's using the Windows Media Player

For a VCD
Start Notepad and copy and paste the italic text:

open=mplayer2.exe /play /close \MPEGAV\avseq01.dat

And last do you save the file as AUTORUN.INF , remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad. Now it is just to drag that autorun.inf to root folder when creating the VCD example like this in Nero creating a VCD:

Start Notepad and copy and paste the italic text:

open=mplayer2.exe /play /close \MPEG2\avseq01.mpg

This only works if You have software DVD Player installed, or else could you include a software DVD Player on the SVCD, but it wont autoplay after you have installed the software is installed.

And last do you save the file as AUTORUN.INF , remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad. Now it is just to drag that autorun.inf to root folder when creating the SVCD for example like this in Nero creating a SVCD:

For a DivX, AVI

Start Notepad and copy and paste the italic text:

open=mplayer2.exe /play /close \yourmovie.avi

Change the yourmovie.avi to your moviename, and to play a DivX you need have a DivX codec installed.

And last do you save the file as AUTORUN.INF , remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad. Now it is just to drag that autorun.inf to root folder when creating the CD


Making an autorun VCD with Easy CD Creator using ASX